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City of Santa Ana Noise Element <br />California Government Code encourages each local government entity to implement a noise element as <br />part of its general plan. In addition, the California Governor's Office of Planning and Research has <br />developed guidelines for preparing noise elements, which include recommendations for evaluating the <br />compatibility of various land uses as a function of community noise exposure. The City of Santa Ana <br />has established a Noise Element as part of the Santa Ana General Plan.17 The Noise Element works to <br />ensure that the City limits the exposure of the community to excessive noise levels in noise -sensitive <br />areas and at noise -sensitive times of day. Specifically, the City has established standards for noise <br />levels (Community Noise Equivalent Level [CNEL], dBA) for land uses as displayed in Table N-1. <br />Additionally, all residential uses should be protected with sound insulation over and above that provided <br />by normal building construction when constructed in areas exposed to greater than 60 dBA CNEL. <br />Sound levels resulting from a project that exceed the standards listed in Table N-1 or that cause the <br />existing conditions to increase above these standards would typically be considered to be impacting the <br />surrounding community. <br />TABLE N 1. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR I E STANDARDS <br />Cateecries " Use Cat e-gones I nterio' Exterio r' <br />i r.� le-fri d u p Iex m u I t- <br />f�mil� <br />r 45 dB CNEL51 65 dB CNEL <br />I r istitutiinna <br />Hospital, school classroom/ 45 dB CN EL 65 dB CNEL <br />pal ayg rou n d <br />Religious facility, library 45 dB CN EL - <br />Open �p f Pa r k5 -- 65 dB -CNEL <br />Notes <br />1. 1 r terior areas, to incl A el. h u t not Ii rn tad to bed roar n s, ha thtiroo ms, k itch-e ns, I iw ing morns, di ni r~ g roo r ns, a riva�e offic-es, and <br />conference morns <br />2. Exteri or area s shal I mea n _ p rivate ya rd s of s-ngle fa mi ly ho rr es, pa rk plicn is a reasr school playgrounds, COMM on area P rivr3tie <br />operi Spa cei 5uch as atriL,ms rorl ba lconie5, 0,aII be excluded from exterior noi�,N requirements p rovided s u ff islent cocamon <br />area is irr-cl u ded with in the p roject. <br />3. 1 rater o e noise I aval eeq u i re meats assurin a a r-1 osad-w ind Dw ca n di don. M Pchan ical oe nti latio n syste rn c ; at el-r r i-gans (a- <br />nal u ra l venti ladon s h a 11 be provi ded per Ch a pte r 12 of the U r iform Bu it c i r & code, a s necessa ry <br />Figure 4. Noise Standards from the Noise Element. Source: Noise Element, Santa Ana General Plan, <br />Final, April 2022. <br />City of Santa Ana Noise Ordinance <br />The City of Santa Ana regulates noise emissions via the Santa Ana Municipal Code, specifically Chapter <br />18, Article 6 (Noise Control).18 The noise ordinance establishes that it is unlawful for any person at any <br />location within the City of Santa Ana to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on <br />property owned, leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by such person, which creates a sound level <br />17 <br />1s <br /> ordinances?nodeId=PTIITHCO_CH18HESA_ARTVINOC <br />O <br />12/14 <br />