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Correspondence - PH #35
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City Council (2004 - Present)
Correspondence - PH #35
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M B dLL <br />at a residential property that exceeds the following exterior noise standards. The noise levels are based <br />on a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any hour. <br />Table 6. Santa Ana Noise Ordinance <br />Eloise Zone Noise Level Time Period <br />1 55 dB(A) 7:00 a.m.-10.00 p.m. <br />50 d B(A) 10:00 p,1-9.- 7:00 a.m. <br />Source: Santa Ana Municipal Code, §18-312. <br />Noise emissions from one property that propagate onto an adjacent or nearby residential property and <br />exceed these limits are deemed to be noncompliant with the Santa Ana Municipal Code. Noise emissions <br />related to construction activities are exempt from the limits, provided the construction activities do not <br />occur place between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any time on <br />Sunday or a federal holiday. <br />Analysis of New Hotel Construction <br />The effect of construction noise impacts on nearby noise -sensitive neighbors is dependent on the <br />location and nature of the construction activities. Depending on the construction activities and <br />neighboring land uses, there is a potential for possible significance threshold exceedances related to the <br />resulting construction activities, particularly in relation to residential communities. <br />While noise from construction activities is exempt from the Santa Ana Municipal Code during daytime <br />hours, noise from construction activities occurring during the nighttime hours (as detailed in the <br />previous section) must comply with the established limits. Additionally, the potential for substantial <br />temporary increases to the existing ambient conditions could be considered relative to CEQA guidelines. <br />Construction typically involves the use of heavy machinery that can be a significant source of noise and, <br />while often temporary, can result in significant impacts. Construction equipment commonly includes air <br />compressors, backhoes, concrete trucks, cranes, dump trucks, excavators, graders, pavers, <br />tractors/dozers, vibratory rollers, portable generators, and water trucks. Depending on the phase of <br />construction, project construction typically involves a combination of these types of off -road and <br />portable construction equipment. Assuming a typical construction plan, common types of construction <br />equipment, and typical construction equipment sound levels published by resources such as the U.S. <br />Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and manufacturers, potential <br />overall sound levels can be estimated. Accordingly, construction sound levels could range from <br />approximately 75 to 90 dBA assuming typical receptor distances of 500 ft to 50 ft. Construction <br />activities also may need to occur at night due to various limitations. Examples include concrete pours <br />that need to occur when other construction is not happening or would impede traffic, accelerated <br />construction needs to meet hotel demand that may come with the Olympics in 2028, roadway <br />construction work that needs to occur at nighttime. <br />The table below outlines general construction phasing and equipment assumptions employed to <br />estimate approximate sound pressure levels (SPQ for common construction phases for a hotel use as <br />generated in CalEEMod.19 It is anticipated that these sound pressure levels are above typical <br />19 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA). California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod®), <br />Version 2022.1. Available online at . <br />13/14 <br />
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