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1) <br /> OC Animal Care Strategic Plan 2018 <br /> OC Animal Care Executive Summary <br /> Strategic Priority 2: Stakeholder Engagement and Marketing <br /> 1. Make the adoption process a) Adopter satisfaction of at least 85%as captured in post- <br /> customer-friendly, easy and adoption surveys. <br /> efficient. b) Streamline adoption process so that it only takes 10 minutes <br /> at the window to complete a customer's transaction by Fall <br /> 2018, as measured by periodic time studies, or by using <br /> potential new technology. <br /> c) Assess the visitation process and implement a new, more <br /> customer-friendly process by Fall 2018, as captured in <br /> feedback from customer surveys. <br /> d) 80%of requested visits with adoptable animals are <br /> accommodated within 15 minutes of request, as measured <br /> by periodic time studies, or by using potential new <br /> technology. <br /> 2. Adoption Partners are a) Conduct yearly survey showing a 10% increase in satisfaction <br /> engaged and relationships annually by adoption partners to at least 85% by 2020. <br /> enhanced. Utilize the survey conducted by JVR in Fall 2016 as the <br /> baseline for rate of satisfaction. <br /> 3. Volunteers are engaged in a) Increase volunteer engagement by 50% by February 2019. <br /> almost every aspect of b) Increase training provided for all key areas of volunteer <br /> shelter operations to provide involvement by 25% by February 2019 <br /> needed support to achieve c) Create a tiered infrastructure for volunteer engagement <br /> OCAC goals. whereby current volunteers have written position <br /> descriptions and schedules by Fall 2018. <br /> d) Expand volunteer program to include additional <br /> responsibilities and duties to support staff and animals by <br /> Summer 2018. <br /> 4. Public feels welcome at the a) All staff receives comprehensive customer service training— <br /> shelter, has a positive refresher for current staff, onboarding for new staff by <br /> experience, and clear ways Spring 2019. <br /> b) 75%of enrichment items are received through direct <br /> to help. donations or the Amazon Wishlist by Summer 2019. <br /> c) A fund specifically devoted to helping owners reclaim their <br /> lost pets is created by 2019, with at least$50,000 annually <br /> to help shelter animals be reunited with their families. <br /> 3 <br />