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2024-072 - Setting Adminstrative Fines for Violation the Municipal Code
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2024-072 - Setting Adminstrative Fines for Violation the Municipal Code
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12/4/2024 3:57:19 PM
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12/4/2024 3:48:15 PM
City Clerk
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c) New information of substantial importance has not been presented that <br />was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of <br />reasonable diligence at the time the GPU was certified or adopted, showing <br />any of the following: (i) that the modifications would have one or more <br />significant effects not discussed in the earlier environmental documentation; <br />(ii) that significant effects previously examined would be substantially more <br />severe than shown in the earlier environmental documentation; (iii) that <br />mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would <br />in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant <br />effects, but the applicant declined to adopt such measures; or (iv) that <br />mitigation measures or alternatives considerably different from those <br />analyzed previously would substantially reduce one or more significant effects <br />on the environment, but which the applicant declined to adopt. <br />The City Council approves and adopts the Addendum, attached hereto as Exhibit <br />A. <br />The GPU EIR, the Addendum, and any other documents and materials that <br />constitute the record of proceedings upon which these findings have been based are on <br />file and available for public review at the Planning Division public counter located at 20 <br />Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. The custodian of these records is the City <br />Clerk of the City of Santa Ana. <br />In the alternative, the adoption of this Resolution is categorically exempt pursuant <br />to State CEQA Guidelines section 15301 — Class 1, Existing Facilities. Class 1 consists <br />of the "operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration <br />of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical <br />features, including negligible or no expansion of existing or former use." Here, the <br />Resolution is adopted in conjunction with existing policy and practice, prohibiting short- <br />term rentals within the City and the Resolution would not result in a significant <br />expansion of existing uses or former uses. The operational activities associated with the <br />Resolution would be typical of enforcement of municipal ordinances. No development, <br />redevelopment, or change to existing development type in the City is proposed or <br />required to implement the Resolution. Further, none of the exceptions to the <br />exemptions set forth under State CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 apply. There will <br />be no significant cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same <br />place, over time, as this is the only Resolution establishing the fines for short-term <br />rentals. There is no reasonable possibility that the Resolution will have a significant <br />effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances because it is reaffirming the <br />existing prohibition on short-term rentals. The Resolution will not result in damage to <br />scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock <br />outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state <br />scenic highway, because the Resolution does not propose any ground -breaking activity <br />or construction, but instead continues the existing ban on short-term rentals. The <br />Resolution is not located on a site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to <br />Government Code section 65962.5. The Resolution will not cause a substantial <br />Resolution No. 2024-072 <br />Page 3 of 67 <br />
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