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Fiscal Year 2023-2024 General Fund Results <br />December 17, 2024 <br />Page 3 <br />reduction for Plan Check revenue, caused by an anticipated slowdown in the <br />first half of the fiscal year. However, activity unexpectedly picked up late in <br />the fiscal year. A $1 increase in zoo ticket prices, paired with an increase of <br />program offerings, led to recreation related revenue surpassing budget by <br />more than $0.8 million. <br />Expenditures <br />• The FY 23-24 non -departmental budget included $8.7 million for employee <br />negotiations, consisting of an original set -aside of $6.4 million and an <br />additional $2.3 million carried over from unspent FY 2022-23 funds. Of this <br />total, $4.8 million was utilized to meet actual Memorandum of Understanding <br />(MOU) requirements, and $1.3 million was used for budget rebalancing, as <br />presented in the Third Quarter Report on June 4, 2024. This resulted in $2.6 <br />million in budgetary savings within the non -departmental section. <br />• The City Attorney's Office, Human Resources, and Finance had combined <br />vacancy and contractual savings of $2.5 million. <br />• The Fire Facilities Fund (Fund 120) absorbed nearly $0.6 million in deferred <br />maintenance expenses for the City's fire stations, freeing up General Fund <br />resources. <br />• Community Development had both contractual savings and a remaining <br />balance in the Resident's Vehicle Incentive Program which was phased out in <br />FY23-24 totaling $0.8 million. <br />Requested FY23-24 Appropriations <br />Library <br />While the Main Library is closed for renovations, the City offers an eLibrary service to <br />patrons (Hoopla), including e-books, audio books, movies, and other digital content. The <br />City's cost of Hoopla is based on usage, which has skyrocketed during library closure. <br />Staff requests a one-time funding allocation of $40,000 to ensure the City can continue <br />to provide Hoopla through April 2026, the scheduled re -opening date of the Main <br />Library. <br />In preparation for the library construction projects, the collections of materials have <br />been organized and evaluated. Many books and other items were worn due to <br />prolonged use and sun damage. In addition to ensuring the library has a sufficient <br />collection on the shelves after construction is complete, staff needs a back -room <br />inventory in anticipation of significant lending upon re -opening. Staff requests a one- <br />time funding allocation of $375,000 to re -build the library's inventory of books and other <br />lending materials. <br />Building Maintenance <br />The Building Maintenance Division budgets for routine operating expenses such as <br />janitorial services, security, and daily maintenance. Recently, two unexpected expenses <br />