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Planning and Building Agency <br /> <br />Item # 19 <br />or City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Staff Report <br />August 16, 2022 <br />TOPIC: Cabrillo Crossing Density Bonus Agreement, 1814 & 1818 E. First Street <br />AGENDA TITLE: <br />Density Bonus Agreement No. 2022-02 to Facilitate Construction of Cabrillo Crossing, a <br />35-Unit Mixed -Use Residential and Live/Work Community with Four Onsite Affordable <br />Units <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />1. Adopt a resolution approving Density Bonus Agreement No. 2022-02 as conditioned. <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Density Bonus Agreement with Brandywine <br />Acquisition Group, LLC for a project known as Cabrillo Crossing for a 55-year term, <br />for the development of a mixed -use residential and live/work development with 35 <br />townhome units , including four onsite for -sale affordable units, at 1814 and 1818 East <br />First Street, subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney. <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />Angela Meyer, representing Brandywine Acquisition Group, LLC (applicant), on behalf of <br />David A. Colton Trust (property owner) is requesting approval of a density bonus agreement <br />(DBA) to facilitate the construction of a 35-unit attached townhome development, six of <br />which are proposed as live/work, with four onsite moderate -income affordable units, known <br />as Cabrillo Crossing. As proposed, the project requires approval of a density bonus <br />agreement with one waiver from the Metro East Mixed Use (MEMU) overlay district's <br />development standards for onsite open space pursuant to California Government Code <br />sections 65915 through 65918 and Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC) Section 41-1600. <br />Staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request since the project's meets the <br />criteria established in the MEMU overlay district to promote a pedestrian -oriented <br />environment with a mix of land uses. Additionally, the project will provide affordable and <br />market -rate ownership housing stock to the community. <br />