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Cabrillo Crossing Density Bonus Agreement, 1814 & 1818 East First Street <br />August 16, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />Planning Commission Action <br />On June 27, 2022, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for the project and <br />voted unanimously (7-0) to approve Site Plan Review No. 2022-03 and Tentative Tract <br />Map No. 2022-02 for the project, and recommended that the City Council approve Density <br />Bonus Agreement No. 2022-02 with conditions. <br />As part of the discussion, the Planning Commission recommended that the developer <br />work with staff to identify whether one of the proposed live/work units could be sold for <br />moderate -income affordable ownership. Subsequently, the applicant and Housing <br />Division staff reviewed additional information to determine the feasibility of including one <br />of the live/work units for affordable ownership. It was determined that the inclusion of a <br />live/work unit would require that the remaining three affordable units be the smallest unit <br />type, which is not consistent with the goals of the City's Affordable Housing Opportunity <br />and Creation Ordinance (AHOCO) and State Density Bonus Law to evenly disperse units <br />among various floor plan types and sizes. <br />As a result, the developer is proposing to satisfy the AHOCO by providing four (4) onsite <br />residential units for sale to moderate -income households. These units will be dispersed <br />throughout the community and will each contain three bedrooms and will range in size <br />from 1,513 to 1,848 square feet in size. The developer's Inclusionary Housing Plan has <br />been reviewed and approved by the City's Housing Division. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Project Description <br />The project includes the construction of a mixed -use townhome development with 1,980 <br />square feet of commercial space. The project will contain five structures consisting of a <br />surface parking area with 10 open/guest parking spaces and 35 townhome units, six of <br />which are proposed to be live/work. The structures will each contain a two -car garage at <br />ground level with residential units above, some with roof decks and others with fourth - <br />level flex rooms. All structures will contain a four-story volume to enhance the project's <br />urban presence. The project will include three -bedroom unit townhome (29) and three - <br />bedroom unit townhome with home office (6), ranging in size from 1,513 to 2,379 square <br />feet. All units will contain full kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, in -unit storage, and <br />open/common (living) areas. <br />Open space will be provided through a publicly -accessible plaza fronting First Street, as <br />well as common onsite open space for use by the residents. Each unit will also contain <br />roof decks and private balconies for the use of each unit's owners. <br />The project will feature a contemporary architectural style with exterior materials that <br />include cement stucco and siding, smooth stucco finishes, exterior veneer finishes, wood <br />framed awning, and wood guard railing. These solid materials will ensure that the project <br />ages well for the duration of each onsite building's lifetime. <br />