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County of Orange <br />OC Community Resources <br />MA-012-25010265 <br />Regional Workforce Training Services <br />Page 48 of 54 <br /> <br /> <br />B. To comply with the requirements of this Agreement, Subrecipient shall deliver regional <br />workforce services to eligible participants at the Santa Ana WORK Center. The Subrecipient <br />shall provide individualized assessments, case management, job development, job placement, and <br />follow-up services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. <br />C. Subrecipient shall conform to all WIOA regulations, directives and policy guidance issued by the <br />State, and local area during the term of this Agreement. In addition, Subrecipient shall support the <br />mission, vision, values, goals and initiatives of the Orange Workforce Alliance. <br />D. Participant data must be captured on the State Grant Data Solution (SGDS) and/or CalJOBS <br />system as determined by the region. <br />E. Subrecipient is responsible for program and fiscal monitoring of direct Contractors and/or <br />Subrecipients. <br />F. Subrecipient is responsible for reporting WIOA leveraged resources on a monthly basis, pursuant <br />to this grant. <br /> <br />B. Deliverables <br /> <br />The Subrecipient will be expected to meet or exceed the following deliverables: <br /> <br />A. Collaborate with the Orange County and Anaheim Workforce Development Boards to carry out <br />RERP activities and provide a strategic and coordinated effort to unify business engagement <br />efforts, identify and engage industry champions, and support regional industry partner <br />organizations. <br />B. Work with OWA and Regional Organizer to add community college programs to the Eligible <br />Training Provider List (ETPL) and determine a common process across districts/colleges for <br />WIOA participants to use Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) for the ETPL programs. <br />C. Work with OWA and Regional Organizer to determine common goals/activities between WDB <br />and community college sector strategies. <br />D. Work with OWA and Regional Organizer to develop a process to evaluate credit-for-prior <br />learning for WIOA participants and determine how the individual community college district’s <br />credit-for-prior learning policies may impact Orange County residents. <br />E. Assist OWA and Regional Organizer in designing a regional communication hub; this may <br />include general sector information, a calendar of events and meetings, county labor market <br />information, or a communication network. <br />F. Assist OWA and Regional Organizer with building community partnerships in the 2 identified <br />industry sectors: Healthcare and Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Digital <br />Media. <br />EXHIBIT 1