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Analysis Supporting Categorical Exemption <br /> hazard to the public. The Proposed Project would also implement a traffic control plan; therefore, no <br /> significant impacts to emergency response or evacuation plans would occur. Therefore, the Proposed <br /> Project would have a less than significant impact regarding hazards and hazardous materials. <br /> 4.10 Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> The Project limits are confined to the relatively level Fairview Street. Regulatory permitting is not required <br /> because the Project would not place dredged or fill material into jurisdictional features, and would not <br /> alterany streambeds. Implementation of the Projectwouldnotalterthe existing drainage patterns of the <br /> Project Site. Neither water supplies nor long-term nearby water supply wells would be affected by the <br /> Project. Therefore, the Project impacts regarding hydrology and water quality would be less than <br /> significant. <br /> 4.11 Land Use and Planning <br /> The Project Site is located within a highly urbanized portion of the City of Santa Ana. The site is <br /> designated right-of-way and Low Density Residential by the City of Santa Ana General Plan (City of Santa <br /> Ana 2022). The Proposed Project would construct additional vehicle lanes and roadway enhancements <br /> along an existing street, which is consistent with its land use designation and current use. The Project <br /> would provide for an alternate means of controlling traffic along this half mile stretch of Fairview Street, <br /> and would not divide the established community. No impacts to land use and planning would occur. <br /> 4.12 Mineral Resources <br /> The Proposed Project is not located on land associated with past, current,or anticipated mining activities. <br /> Construction activities would occur within a previously disturbed site; as such the chance of discovering <br /> significant mineral deposits is unlikely. Further, excavation is not expected to reach native, undisturbed <br /> soils. No impact would occur. <br /> 4.13 Noise <br /> The main noise source associated with the Project would be the operation of equipment for onsite <br /> construction activities. Perthe City of Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 18-314, Special Provisions, noise <br /> associated with construction is prohibited between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays or <br /> Saturday,or anytime on Sunday or federal holidays. The City does not promulgate a numeric threshold <br /> pertaining to the noise associated with construction.This is because construction noise is temporary,short <br /> term,intermittent in nature,and would cease on completion of the Project. Furthermore,the City of Santa <br /> Ana is a developing urban community and construction noise is generally accepted as a reality within the <br /> urban environment.Additionally,construction would occurthroughout the Project Site and would not be <br /> concentrated at one point. <br /> As previously stated,the City limits the times that the construction can take place but does not assign a <br /> numeric threshold to construction noise. However, for full disclosure purposes, predicted construction <br /> noise levels were calculated utilizing the FHWA's Roadway Construction Noise Model. Due to the linear <br /> ECORP Consulting, Inc. 18 January 2025 <br /> Fairview Street Widening Project 2024-088.03 <br /> 9-30 <br />