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Analysis Supporting Categorical Exemption <br /> 4.13.2 Construction-Generated Vibration <br /> Construction-related g round vibration is normally associated with impact equipment, such as pile drivers <br /> and jackhammers, and the operation of some heavy-duty construction equipment, such as dozers and <br /> trucks.Vibration decreases rapidly with distance and construction activities would occur throughout the <br /> Project Site and would not be concentrated at the point closest to sensitive receptors. Thus, due to the <br /> temporary nature of construction and linear movement of construction activities, a less than significant <br /> impact would occur. <br /> 4.13.3 Project Operational Vibration <br /> Project operations would not includethe use of any large-scale,stationary equipment that would result in <br /> excessive vibration levels;therefore,the Project would not result in ground-borne vibration impacts during <br /> operations. For this reason, no impact would occur. <br /> 4.14 Population and Housing <br /> The Proposed Project would it induce any population growth.No impact to population or housing would <br /> occur. <br /> 4.15 Public Services <br /> The Proposed Project involves the expansion and restriping of an existing roadway. Maintenance of the <br /> roadway would not require any increase in public services beyond current levels. Therefore, a less than <br /> significant impact on public services would occur. <br /> 4.16 Recreation <br /> The Proposed Project does not include recreational facilities and would not require construction or <br /> expansion of recreational facilities.Additionally,the Proposed Project would not increase local or regional <br /> population that would result in any increase in demand for neighborhood or regional parks. No impact on <br /> recreation would occur. <br /> 4.17 Traffic <br /> Proposed Project would alleviate traffic congestion within a bottleneck along Fairview Street. The design <br /> would be based on comprehensive inclusion of"Complete Streets" components to better facilitate <br /> pedestrian and bicycle access, enhance safety, and increase efficiency. These modifications would <br /> especially improve pedestrian and bicycletraffic safetyby reducing the chances of collisions. Further, the <br /> roadway improvements would provide a beneficial impact on emergency access by improving through- <br /> traffic circulation. <br /> Construction of the roadway would result in short-term impacts along Fairview Street. Additional <br /> construction vehicle and employee vehicle traffic would be generated during the estimated six (6) month <br /> construction period. During this time, vehicles would be directed towards designated detours or lane <br /> ECORP Consulting, Inc. 20 January 2025 <br /> Fairview Street Widening Project 2024-088.03 <br /> 9-32 <br />