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Item 09 - Contract Parking Enforcement Services with LAZ Parking California LLC
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 09 - Contract Parking Enforcement Services with LAZ Parking California LLC
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2/26/2025 11:53:29 AM
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2/26/2025 9:38:45 AM
City Clerk
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5C666F1 F-E77F-43CE-8AEo-2CDA4FE129A8 <br />Parking abnormalities or abnormal parking <br />patterns <br />Incidents/Accidents <br />Beat analysis and beat enforcement <br />Handling Support Calls and Customer Service Complaints. Our project manager will make first contact with <br />residents that have a concern or complaint. If a complaint is toward our supervisor, the investigation will be <br />handled by his manager or General Manager of LAZ Parking. A detailed report will be submitted to Santa Ana <br />PD's Project Manager. <br />SERVICE, LEVEL EXPECTATIONS <br />Performance Requirements. LAZ Parking accepts each service level outlined in the Statement of Work, with no <br />exceptions. We will ensure all required service levels for the City are met or exceeded by implementing our <br />effective approach to measuring, documenting, and reporting service results. <br />Depth of Support. LAZ understands the importance of having qualified personnel trained as potential back- <br />ups/fill-ins for call -outs and planned time -off. We are committed to training additional personnel, including <br />managers to support and work as PAS or Supervisor when needed. <br />Auditing Procedures and Reporting Samples. LAZ Parking has hands-on experience customizing and <br />developing reports that best fit the needs of each of our clients and the programs we manage. Each report provides <br />easy -to -understand factors for the reviewer, with a focus on highlighting performance metrics. Upon award of a <br />contract, it is our intent to meet with the City of Santa Ana Police Department management and share a variety of <br />reports currently in use at our other contracts. In partnership with our municipal and government clients, we have <br />developed complex reporting mechanisms that provide the operations with a consistent level of oversight. <br />Reporting Procedures. LAZ Parking is passionate about delivering exceptional solutions to our customers. We <br />will continue to create, develop, implement, and maintain methodologies and procedures to optimize the <br />management and operations of the Santa Ana Parking enforcement program. Upon contract award, LAZ Parking <br />will conduct a complete review of all administrative, operational, and procedural documents to incorporate the <br />negotiated contract terms and final scope of work. We will work with Santa Ana Police Department's project <br />manager to define the implementation of the new innovative solutions that are included with our proposal. The <br />schedule will consist of milestones, including delivery dates for all deliverables, scheduled meetings, reviews, <br />implementation, and staff training if needed. <br />LAZ Parking will maintain project files and records per City's record retention policy and throughout the term of <br />this contract. All project records (electronic and paper) include operations and maintenance guidelines; meeting <br />agendas and minutes; management and staffing plans; staffing reports and schedules; updates to these documents; <br />project staff training; plus all manuals, systems maintenance records, training records, systems plans and <br />installation records, and other correspondence. <br />ACCREDITED Parking Control Enforcement Services 18PARKINGiCITYOFSANTAANA. CAI RPP NO.23-036 I MARCU 23 2023 Proposed kNodc PlmlP
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