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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5C666F1F-E77F-43CE-8AE0-2CDA4FE129A8 <br />UNIFORMS <br />LAZ Parking acknowledges that the Santa Ana Police Department <br />must approve all uniforms. As ambassadors of the City, we <br />recognize the importance of employee appearance. LAZ Parking <br />will ensure that our staff is equipped with the proper uniforms and <br />equipment needed to do their jobs well and safely. LAZ Parking <br />will provide staff with enough uniform shirts and pants to make <br />sure they maintain a professional appearance at all times. All staff <br />will be issued jackets and hats for inclement weather. Additionally, <br />LAZ Parking will provide staff with, name tags, and badges that <br />clearly state the staff person's name. <br />Task 2 — Parking Enforcement <br />Responsibilities <br />LAZ Parking understands that our staff will be responsible for patrolling the streets of the second-largest City in <br />Orange County and home to more than 300,000 residents. Most of our team's working hours, including the <br />Supervisor, will be spent out in the field. Our deployment time, which includes device and vehicle checks, pass - <br />down communication and briefing will take no more than 30 minutes. An officer's end of shift, returning to the <br />base will take no more than 15 minutes which will allow the maximurn time for our team to be in the field. <br />Issuance of Parking Citations. LAZ Parking staff is fully trained on the handheld ticket writers and software <br />currently in use by the Santa Ana Police Department. Our PAs are also trained in paper (manual) citations and the <br />procedures involved. Staff training on the issuance of parking citations also covers proper placement of citations <br />and how to issue citations for drive -offs, covered VIN numbers, missing license plates, and other unusual <br />occurrences. In the event the driver of the offending vehicle drives away prior to the parking enforcement officer <br />placing the citation on the vehicle, the citation is mailed to the registered owner as required by the California <br />Vehicle Code. <br />Daily Reporting by Enforcement Personnel. Parking Ambassadors will be required to submit daily reports to <br />present, suggest, or recommend to his/her supervisor for review and/or action, irregularities dealing with: <br />Missing, damaged, or conflicting parking signs, • Obstructed parking signs, stop signs, <br />or curb markings yield signs, or any safety hazard <br />ACCREDITED t Parking Control Enforcement Services 1./ PARKING CITY OF SAN1-A ANA, CA J RPP NO. 23-036 MARCH 2Y 202 t Proposed work Vim// ORGANIZATION