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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5C666F1F-E77F-43CE-8AE0-2CDA4FE129AB <br />Attachment-01: Exhibit III <br />PROPOSED PRICING - EXHIBIT III <br />LAZ Parking is pleased to present two different pricing structures in our bid submitted to the City of Santa Ana. <br />luc IIIM bUUcIUlc Is d Illdll-lluul wulncu. Alt cuals WU HiGluucu ut utese Ianaly rows <br />EXHIBIT III PROPOSAL LINE ITEM PRICING -MAN HOUR <br />LINE DESCRIPTION Quantity UNIT I NIT UNIT EXTENDEDTOTAL <br />OUANTITV .'PRICE PRICE <br />1 Supervisor- Parking Enforcement 1 Hourly 2,080 $73.86 $153,628.80 <br />2 Checker- Parking Enforcement TBD Hourly 18,408 $54.31 $999,738.48 <br />I Total Extended Cost (Add Lines land 2):1 $1,153,367.2811 <br />Extended Cost- Written <br />TOTAL EXTENDED COSTVEARL 1,153,367.28 <br />TOTALEXTENDEDCOSTYEAR2 1,153,367.28 <br />TOTAL EXTENDED COST BASE CONTRACT(2 Years) 2,306,734.56 <br />Man -Hour Rates <br />Man -Hour Rates were calculated using the starting base labor rate for employees under the Teamsters 911 CBA. <br />Base starting rate for new employees effective 6/l/2023 is $24.75. That increases to $26.00 effective 6/1/2024. <br />Tenured employees receive an additional hourly increase over the base rate. Employees working the Graveyard shift <br />also receive a shift differential. These rates also incorporate the cost of medical insurance and other benefits as <br />outlined in the CBA. - <br />Factors Contributing to Increased Contract Cost <br />The increase in the hourly rate of Checkers (Parking Ambassadors) is directly related to the hourly wage increase of <br />staff represented by Teamsters 911 as mentioned above. The hourly wage increased from a minimum of $18.00 per <br />hour to the current Union CBA starting wage of $24.75 which reflects a 37.5% increase in the wages alone resulting <br />in an overall contract cost increase of 33% over the previous contract. Although this is a significant increase, we are <br />confident that this will benefit the City directly through improved employee retention and keeping employees <br />dedicated to the Santa Ana enforcement program. <br />Annual Hours Adjustment <br />In Exhibit III of the RFP, the annual unit quantity of Checker hours was 11,100 (which equates to less than 6 <br />Checkers). Based on the current roster as well as shifts provided in the addendum, LAZ Parking feels this number <br />should be 18,408. Those changes were made in the pricing charts above. <br />1ACCREDITED Parkin- Control Enforcement Services ^ APARKIING ('I FY OF SANTA AN A, CA I RF'P NO.23.036 1 MARCH 28, 2023 Attachments L F