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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5C666F1F-E77F-43CE-8AE0-2CDA4FE129A8 <br />Teamsters 911 CBA Wage Rates and Health & Welfare <br />APPENDIX A -WAGE RATES <br />Wage Rates. Employees who are covered by this Agreement shall be paid the <br />following minimum hourly rates as of the dates set forth below. <br />June 1, 2023, Union start rate: <br />Part -Time: $25.12 and Full -Time $24 75 (last union proposal) <br />Effective June 1, 2023, all employees with one year of service shall receive a <br />seventy-five cents ($0.75) per hour increase above the starting rate. <br />June 1, 2024, Union start rate $26.00. <br />Effective June 1, 2024, all employees with one year of service shall receive a <br />seventy-five cents ($1.00) per hour increase above the starting rate. <br />2. Shift Premium. There shall be a premium of fifty cents ($0.50) per hour for all <br />employees working on the third shift with starting times between 10:00 p.m. and <br />3:00 a.m. Shift premium pay shall be in addition to the regular hourly rate of pay. <br />3. If the Federal, State, County or City is higher then the union rate the company <br />shall pay $1.00 above the current rate. <br />HEALTH AND WELFARE <br />The Company agrees to pay the health and welfare benefits, which include medical <br />benefits, prescription, vision, dental and life insurance for amp a only to a maximum <br />of 773.00 per month. <br />Effective July 1 of eaiN;°'i of the contract, the Company shall pay the increases in the <br />health and welfare premiums up to a maximum of 12% each year for each year of the <br />contract. <br />If the premiums increase above the established caps, the employee will be responsible <br />for paying the amount above the cap which shall be deducted through payroll <br />deductions. <br />The employees have the right to make changes to the health and welfare benefits <br />without affecting the Employer's contribution. <br />Employees who elect to opt out of insurance coverage and who provide proof of <br />insurance will be allowed to opt out and will be paid the following monthly payment — <br />Singlo $100.00. Employees who elect to opt out of Insurance coverage will, later, be <br />eligible to re -enroll during the annual enrollment period (June of each year). <br />RACCREDITED Parking Control Enforcement Services <br />OPARKING CITY OP SANTA ANA, CA I UP NO og-0361 MARC1128, 2023 Attachments <br />ORGANIZATION- ..