In Re
<br />Amend.Application
<br />Rainspray, Inc.
<br />Reclassify west side·
<br />Bristol St. btn 17th
<br />and Memory Lane
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Tentative Map
<br />Tract No. 1517
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Proposed
<br />annexation
<br />"Frank Borchard
<br />Annex No. l"
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 54-62
<br />Proposing to annex
<br />territory; settin~
<br />time and place of
<br />hearing: "Frank
<br />Borchard Annex No. 1"
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />First Christian
<br />Church - relief
<br />fr~m provlding
<br />street lights
<br />
<br /> R-1 and R-2 Districts to the M-2 District, in accordance with the
<br /> amendJnent application of Charles C. Camarata. Attorney James ?~alker
<br />
<br />requested that the application be referred to the Planning Commission
<br /> and property reposted with the correct description. On motion of
<br /> Councilman Dahl, seconded by Lateen and ~arried, the application was
<br /> referred to the Planning Commisslcn with instructions to institute
<br />
<br /> proceedings from the beginning.
<br /> ,,
<br /> Communication of the Planning Commission was read submitting Resolutio
<br /> No. 633 recommending the reclassification of property on the west side
<br /> of Bristol Street between 17th Street and Me~ory Lane, described as
<br /> Lots 1 to ll inclusive, and 250, Tract 1724, from the R-1 District to
<br /> the R-2 District, in accordance with amendment application mol R~inspray,
<br /> Incorporated. On motion of Councilman Jerome, seconded by McBride
<br /> and carried, a notice of public hearing was ordered published setting
<br /> date of he,ring as June 7th, 1954.
<br />
<br /> On motion of Councilman Jerome, seconded by Dahl and carried, Tentativ
<br /> Map of Tract No. 1517, submitted by Harold H. Greenwald, consisting of
<br /> five lots, ~th 55 foot setback lines on First Street, located on the
<br /> south side of West First Street between Bristol and Baker Streets, was
<br /> approved subject to the condition that an additional 12~ be dedicated
<br /> to the City on the south side of First Street for street use.
<br /> Communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that
<br /> the proposed annexation of 26~355 acres located approximat~ly 365'
<br /> north of the center of St. Andrews Place, between Rousselle and Cedar
<br />
<br /> Streets, designated "Frank Borchard Annex No. l", be approved, and
<br /> reed
<br />~epo~.t_/from the Boundary Conm~ission advising that the boundaries of th~
<br />
<br />proposed annexation are reasons~ly definite and c~rtain. On motion o~
<br />Councilman McBride, seconded by Jerome and carried, the communication
<br />
<br />and report were received and filed.
<br />,,
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Lsr~en an~ carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 5A-62 giving notice of pro~}osed
<br /> annexation to City of Santa Ana of that certain
<br /> uninhabited territory described herein sad
<br /> designated 'Frank Borchard Annex No. l', and giving
<br /> notice oy time and place for hearing of protests
<br /> thereto"
<br />
<br />w~s considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Noes, Councilmen
<br />Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br />Thoma~ F. Lateen, Milford W. Dahl,
<br />Courtney R. Chandler.
<br />None
<br />None
<br />
<br />Communication was read from %filfred B. Taylor and Orville J. ~od~in,
<br />Trustees, and the First Christian Church, requesting relief from pro-
<br />vi~Ang street lights on Artesia Street, Daisy Avenue and Si×teenth
<br />Street, in the area Just west of the Junior College, between 15th and
<br />17th Streets.. It was moved by Councilman MGBride, seconded by Jerome
<br />and carried, that street ImprovemeMts be accepted an~ requirement for
<br />metal poles for street lights omitted as the specifications were
<br />
<br />
<br />