In Re
<br />Request
<br />H.G.Cotton
<br /> ( dr iv eway s)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Orange County
<br />Water District
<br />invitation
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request for
<br />leave
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />American Legion
<br />Auxiliary
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Refund license
<br />taX penalty
<br />(Mrs. Geo. Viebeck)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />R~fund license
<br />tax penalty ·
<br />(Sarver Motors)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />B.H.Vance
<br />(two-hour
<br />parking)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Bond release
<br />Tract No. 1~57
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Bond release
<br />Tract No. 1915
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Chamber of
<br />Commerce
<br />(Parking District
<br />No. 1)
<br />
<br />approved and street i~.p~ow ~ment~ started p~ior to the requirement on
<br />street lights.
<br />
<br />The MBnager reported on the request of H.C.Cotton for two 50 foot drive.
<br />ways on Grand Avenue, for the proposed service station at East Fourth
<br />Street and Crand Avenue, and recommended that one driveway be L0 feet
<br />and one driveway not to exceed 40 fe~t. On meriden of Councilman
<br />Larsen, seconded by Jerome and carried, the request ~as granted as
<br />
<br />reco~ended.
<br />,,
<br />0n mot!on of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Jerome and carried, the
<br />communication from Orange County Water District extending an invitation
<br />to the Council to participate in a "Caravan Tour" scheduled for May
<br />20th, wac received and filed.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Jerome, scconded by McBride and carried, the
<br />
<br />request of Courtney R. Chandler for ~ rmi .... n to leave the State for
<br />
<br />the period May 23r~ to June 1st, 1954, ~?as granted.
<br />,,
<br />0n motion of Councilmnn Dahl, seconded by Jerome and c~rried, the
<br />request of American Legion Auxiliary, Santa Ana Unit No. 131, for
<br />
<br />permission to sell Poppies, May 28th and 29th, was granted.
<br />,
<br />On motion of Councilman D~.I, seconded by Jerome and carried, the re-
<br />
<br />quest of Mrs. George Vieback, Jr., 312 South Mean e
<br /> ' otr=~, for refund of
<br />
<br />~5.~0 on licensee tax ~.~d for delinquency was denie~ ~s the Council
<br />
<br /> ~ ~ +~ ~.~ provisions of the Ordzn~, to waive the
<br />has no ~u~hoFi~, under ~'~ '
<br />
<br />penalty pa~ent.
<br />,
<br />0n motion of Councilman Dakl, seconded by Jerome and c~ried, %he re-
<br />
<br />quest of Sarver Motors, 105 North q-rand Avenue, for refund of ~15.00
<br /> on license ta~ paid for delinquency ~,~as denied, as the Council has
<br /> no authority, under the provi~cions of the Ordinance, to waive the
<br /> ponal~y payment.
<br /> 0n motion of Councilman Daht, seconded by Jerome and carried, the re-
<br /> quest of B.H.Vance, 221couP' ~ Main Street,that two-hour parking in the
<br />
<br />100 block East Pine ~ .....
<br /> o ~t be established, ~.~as referred to the curb
<br />
<br />usage committee for report.
<br />
<br />Co~ication was read from ~he Department of Public Works advising
<br />
<br />that ~ '= ~ ~ ~
<br /> ~mproz~m~n~s ~ithin ~rac~ No. 1457 have been completed, and on
<br />
<br />motion of Councilman D~l, seconded by Lateen and carried, bond filed
<br />by Prudential Homes, in the sum of $28,000.00, was ordered released
<br />~d improvements accepted as completed.
<br />
<br />Communication ~as r=a~ from the Department of Public l'~orks advising
<br />that inprov.3ments within Tract No. 1915 have been completed, and
<br />motion of D~hl, seconded b~ Larsen and carried, bond filed
<br />by M~k In~es~meno Company, in the s~ of $26,000.00, was ordered re-
<br />leased and improvements accepted as comoleted.
<br />
<br />
<br />