<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Reso. No. 55-291
<br />Establish red zone
<br />E. side No. Baker
<br />btn Washington and
<br />15th (Wilson P.T.A.)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Reso. No. 55-292
<br />Establish red zone
<br />W. side Nc.Baker
<br />btn Washington and
<br />15th (Wilson P.T.A.)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Reso. No. 55-293
<br />Establish green zone
<br />E.side Nc.Baker
<br />btn Washington and 15th
<br />(Wilson P.T.A.)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Ordinance No. NS-144
<br />Providing regulations
<br />for preventing of
<br />pollution of underground
<br />or surface waters
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Communications
<br />commeneing the
<br />Council
<br />(Swimming Pool)
<br />
<br />ca~ried, that the "V" type gutters, as proposed by the property ownerl
<br />
<br />be constructed, under the super$ision of the Department of Public
<br />
<br />Works. It was moved by Councilman Heinly, seconded by Mark~l and
<br />
<br />carried, that the City not assume any responsibility for the paving
<br />
<br />of Poinsettia Street, south of Santiago Way.
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the ResOlution,
<br />
<br />on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Jerome and carried, the fol-
<br />
<br />lowing Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br />"Resolution No. 55-291 concerning parking
<br />limitations and curb markings in accord-
<br />ance therewith"
<br />
<br />was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel, William Jerome,
<br /> Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler
<br />Noes, Councilmen None
<br />Absent, Councilmen None
<br />
<br />The COuncil h~ving unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />
<br />on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Jerome and Carried, the fol-
<br />
<br />lowing Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br />"Resolution No. 55-292 concerning parking
<br />limitations and curb markings in accord-
<br />ance therewith"
<br />
<br />was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel, William Jerome,
<br /> Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler
<br />Noes, Councilmen None
<br />Absent, Councilmen None
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />
<br />on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Markel and carried, the fol-
<br />
<br />lowing Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br />"Resolution No. 55-293 concerning parking
<br />limitations and curb markings in accord-
<br />ance therewith"
<br />
<br />was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel, William Jerome,
<br /> Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler
<br />Noes, Councilmen None
<br />Absent, CounCilmen None
<br />#
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Ordinance, O~
<br />motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Jerome and carried, the follow-
<br />
<br />lng Ordinance entitled:
<br />
<br />"Ordinance No. NS-I~ providing regulations for
<br />the prevention of polldtion of underground or
<br />surface waters and authorizing the County of
<br />Orange to act as enforcement agency for the
<br />City of Santa Ana"
<br />
<br />was considered and
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen
<br />
<br />Noes, Eounoilmen
<br />Absent, Councilmen
<br />
<br />passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Dale H. Heinly, J. Ogden Markel, William Jerome,
<br />Milford W. Dahl, Courtney R. Chandler
<br />None
<br />None
<br />
<br />Communication~ were read from The Ladies Auxiliary Military Order of
<br />the Purple Heart Orange Belt Unit, Orange Belt Chapter Military Order
<br />of the Purple Heart and Santa Ana Junior Chamber of Commerce, commend-
<br />
<br />lng the Council on its decision not to rename the swimming pool in
<br />
<br />Memorial Park. On motion of Councilman Heinly, seconded by Dahl and
<br />
<br />carried, the communications were received and filed.
<br />
<br />
<br />