<br />
<br />Reso. No. 58-108
<br />Accepting Deeds
<br />Widening No.Main St.,
<br />Widening Harbor Boulevard,
<br />Widening 8th Street, and
<br />drainage and sewer purposes
<br />northerly from 4th St. east
<br />of Eastside Ave.
<br />
<br />Ordinance
<br />Declaring annexation
<br />"Main and Newport
<br />N.E. Annex"
<br />
<br />Santa Aha College
<br />Swimming pool
<br /> (refer to Minutes
<br />
<br />Approve plans and
<br />specifications,
<br />advertise for bids
<br />Santa Aha College
<br />Swimming pool
<br />
<br />Request
<br />Santa Aha New Car
<br />Dealers ' Assoc.
<br />(hang banners)
<br />
<br />Request
<br />John A. Carr
<br />Establish auction
<br />house ~ ~,
<br />
<br />total purchase price of $25,200.00, was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr.,
<br /> A.A.Hall, J. Ogden Markel, Dale H. Heinly
<br />Noes, Councilmen None
<br />Absent, Councilmen None
<br />
<br />The Council havin~ unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution, on motion of
<br />
<br />CounciLman Hubbard, seconded by Hall and carried, the following Resolution entitled
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 58-108 accepting deeds granting easements where
<br /> the City is payin~ no cash consideration"
<br />
<br />from J.L. and Ella M. McBride, Standard Pressed Steel Company, Rudy H. and Alice
<br />Luna and Herbert W. and Bonnie Jean Sckmidt, without cash considerations, was con-
<br />sidered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br />Ayes, Councilmen Royal E. Hubbard, Stanley C. Gould, Jr.,
<br /> A.A.Eall, J. Ogden Markel, Dale H. Heinly
<br />Noes, Councilmen None
<br />Absent, Councilmen None
<br />
<br />The annexation of certain territory designated "Main and Newport N.E. Annex" having
<br />been continued from the meeting of March 17, 1958, the Clerk read the communication
<br />of R. H. O'Neil and D.J.O"Neil rescinding their letter of March 10, 1958, wherein
<br />they protested the annexation of their property AP 16-200-07 and AP 16-200-09 to
<br />the City. On motion of Councilman Gould, seconded by Hall and carried, the commun~
<br />cation was received and filed. Attorney Delbert Larsh, representing Horace J.
<br />Stevens, whose property is within the described annexation, vigorously objected to
<br />the inclusion of Mr. Stevens' property because no benefits would be derived and the
<br />cost in taxes would increase $800.00 a year. He proposed a strip annexation in-
<br />stead of the present area. Mr. Harry Martin spoke in favor of the annexation and
<br />the value to the City. The Mayor closed the discussion and stated that the protest
<br />filed represented 37.013~ of the total assessed valuation of land and improvements.
<br />CounciLman Hubbard disqualified himself on this matter. On motion of Councilman
<br />Markel, seconded by Gould and carried, the following Ordinance entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Ordinance declaring the annexation of that certain territory
<br /> designated 'Main and Newport N.E. Annex'"
<br />
<br />was introduced, considered and placed on file for second reading:
<br />
<br />Roll Call Ayes, Councilmen Stanley C. Gould, Jr., J. Ogden Markel,
<br /> Dale H. Heinly
<br /> Noes, Councilmen A.A.Hall
<br /> Absent, Councilmen None
<br /> Not Voting, CounciLmen Royal E. Hubbard
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Markel and carried, proper officials
<br />were authorized to execute agreement dated April 21, 1958 between the City and the
<br />Santa Ana Board of Education, providing for the location, construction, maintenance
<br />and operation of the swimming pool on the Santa Ana College campus.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Markel and carried, the plans and
<br />specifications were approved for the construction of the Santa Arm College swimming
<br />pool, mechanical facilities and concrete wind-walls, and the Purchasing Agent authoz
<br />ized to advertise for bids to be opened May 26, 1958.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, the request of
<br />George Dunton, on behalf of the Santa Ana New Car Dealers' Association, was denied,
<br />for permission to hang street b~uners, approximately 4' x 50', across Fourth and
<br />Broadway, 17th and Bristol, 17th and Main, and First and Main Streets, from April
<br />24th to May 5th, 1958.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, the request of John
<br />A. Carr for approval to establish a regular business of selling household articles
<br />at auction at 917 South Main Street, was referred to the Attorney with instructions
<br />to prepare an Ordinance commensurate with the times.
<br />
<br />
<br />