<br />increases
<br />
<br />Communications
<br />Pacific Tel. & T el.Co.,
<br />State Water Pollution
<br />Control Board et al
<br />
<br />Resignation
<br />Mrs. Mildred P.
<br />Browning (L;.brary
<br />Board)
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Market and carried, the written recom-
<br />mendation of the Manager, dated April 17, 1958, for salary step increases for four
<br />employees, effective May l, 1958, was approved.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, the following
<br />communications were received and filed:
<br />
<br />Applications to
<br />Solicit funds
<br />
<br /> g/?~Frem Richard W. Taylor, member of the Board of Directors of the Santa Ana C~mmunity
<br /> Concert Association, calling attention to the need for a larger auditorium in the
<br /> City,
<br /> From State Water Pollution Control Board submitting the third report on the study of
<br /> :~waste water reclamation and utilization,
<br /> From Mildred P. Browning submitting her resignation as a member of the Library Board
<br /> From the Metropolitan Water District transmitting a copy of "Resolution 5170 Estab-
<br /> lishing Rates for Water Sold and Delivered by the Metropolitan Water District of
<br /> Southern California Effective July l, 1958," which defines the different classes of
<br /> water and prescribes the procedure for billing,
<br /> ~From the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee requesting extension of the
<br />~%~.~us service in the southeast section of the City on a thirty-day trial basis,
<br />~From the Board of Supervisors advising that the County Flood Control Engineer was
<br />~,.~uthorized to negotiate with the City officials to dete~ine the pos~ibl~ ways and
<br /> means of extendin~ the Greenville-Banning Channel (Bond Project D-3) from Delhi Roadl
<br /> to Edinger Street,
<br /> From the Board of Supervisors stating that the request of the City to except all
<br /> Rroperty within the limits of said City from the levy of any tax to provide County
<br /> ~'~'~unds for structural fire protection in the areas of Orange County, as provided for
<br /> in Section 25643 of the Government Code of the State of California, was referred to
<br /> the County Counsel for procedure and opinion on setting up a special fund out of
<br /> sales tax monies in lieu of setting up a special district,
<br /> ~,~oFrom the Board of Supervisors granting the request of the City Council for the con-
<br /> ~lidation of the Special Municipal Election with the statewide primaryelection to
<br /> be held on June 3, 1958, for the transfer of certain bond money for the purpose of
<br /> construction of a building to house the Santa Ana Police Department,
<br /> ^~From the Boundary Commission giving notice of proposed annexation of territory to
<br /> the City of Tustin (Greater Tustin Annexation) and advising the boundaries of the
<br />~5. roposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain although it cuts property
<br /> lines,
<br /> Notifications of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of beverage appli-
<br /> .~ations of Wilbert St. Onge, Jr., 801 East First Street, and Magic Chef-Food Giant
<br /> Markets, Inc., 2724 North Main Street, and
<br /> ..~sFrom the Public Utilities Commission enclosing a report dated March 25, 1958, setti~
<br /> ~o~.h t~e status of the Grade Crossing Protection Fund and listing all of the pro- H
<br /> jec~s which have been assisted by this fund.
<br />
<br /> On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Markel and carried, the resignation of
<br />
<br />Advertise for bids
<br />Fire Alarm Control
<br />Panel ¢4 ~--¢~'I¢~
<br />
<br />Instructions to
<br />City Manager -
<br />Am_uexation --
<br />
<br />Claims for mis-treatment;
<br />Refund of subdivision
<br />business license tax
<br />
<br />Mrs. Mildred P. Browning as a member of the Library Board was accepted with regret
<br />and the Clerk directed to send a letter to Mrs. Browning expressing appreciation fo~
<br />
<br />her services on the Board.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, permission was
<br />
<br />granted Orange County Association For Retarded Children to solicit funds and sell
<br />nosegays on June 6th, the United Cerebral Palsy Association to solicit funds during
<br />
<br />the month of May, and the Y.M.C.A. to solicit funds and sell candy from May l~rth to
<br />June 28, 1958, inclusive.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Hall and carried, the Purchasing Agent
<br />was authorized to advertise for bids for the furnishing and delivering of a Fire
<br />Alarm Control Pane.l,per Specification No. 634-6; bids to be opened May 5, 1958.
<br />
<br />On motion of Counci3~nan Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried~ the City Manager was
<br />instructed to formulate and adopt and put into execution a plan to resist the
<br />"Greater Tustin Annexation".
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, the communication
<br />from Attorneys Monroe and Chula, on behalf of Paul Dunn, submitting a claim in the
<br />amount of $18,000.00 for alleged mistreatment at the hands of certain Police 0ffice~
<br />
<br />Dm
<br />
<br />and false imprisonments and the claim of Newport Building Corporation for refund of
<br />subdivision business license tax in the amount of $9,650.00, were referred to the
<br />
<br /> Attorney for appropriate action.
<br />
<br />Communications On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Gould and carried, the communication fz
<br />Santa Ana, EiSalvador~
<br />Central America, and ~,~l,,~.1 Alfredo M~chon Vilanova, representative of E1 Salvador reference People to People
<br />Metropolitan Transportation ,
<br />Engineering B.~ard a4!' Program was received and filed, and the communication from Metropolitan Transport-
<br />
<br /> %,!~ ation Engineering Board reference Freeway and Expressway Plan for Los Angeles
<br />
<br />
<br />