<br />
<br />Commaunications
<br />County Sanitation District;
<br />Boundary Ccamalssionj
<br />Board of Supervisors;
<br />et al
<br />
<br />,,tng, setting the date On OCtober 2, t96t.
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carried, the following
<br />munications were received and filed:
<br /> From the County Sanitation Districts enclosing Resolution Noo 971, adopted ^ug-
<br />ust 9, 1961, together with a copy of letter written to the Orange County Water Dis-
<br />tricts, relative to the Districts' declaration of policy in regard to water reclama-
<br />tion,
<br />
<br /> From the Boundary Commission regarding proposed annexation of territory to the
<br />City of Santa Aha "Santa Clara and Lincoln N. E. Annexation," advising the boundar-
<br />ies of the proposed annexation meet the approval of the County Surveyor's office in
<br />respect to Section 35002 of the Government Code,
<br />
<br /> From the Boundary Coca,lesion regarding proposed annexation of territory to the
<br /> City of Santa Ana "Seventeenth and Mabury North Annex," advising the boundaries of
<br />g~the proposed annexation meet the approval of the County Surveyor's office in res-
<br /> ~pect to Section 35002 of the Government Code, although it cuts property lines,
<br />
<br /> Frc~the Boundary C~issic~ regarding proposed annexation of territory to the
<br /> City of Orange "Annexation No. 170,'' advising the boundaries of the proposed annex-
<br /> ation do not meet the approval of the County Surveyor's office in respect to Sectio~
<br />~35002 of the Government Code, and all documents were referred t o t h e City fer
<br /> correction and resubmission,
<br />
<br /> From the Boundary Commission regarding proposed annexation of teri"itory to the
<br />City of Orange "Annexation No. ltl," advising the boundaries of the proposed annexa,
<br />tmon meet the approval of the County Surveyor's office in respect to Section 35002
<br />of
<br /> the Government Code,
<br />
<br /> From the Boundary C~mission regarding proposed annexation of territory to the
<br />City of Orange "Annexation No. 172," advising the boundaries of the proposed annexa-
<br />tion meet the approval of the County Surveyor's office in respect to Section 35002
<br />of the Government Code,
<br />
<br /> From the Board of Supervisors submitting Minute Order dated August 1, 1961,
<br /> advising the County of Orange is not going to terminate its lease with the City for
<br /> quarters consisting of Room 211 and a portion of Room 210, at ll04 West Eighth
<br />?~JStreet, for use of the Agricultural Department,
<br />
<br /> From the City of Westminster submitting Resolution No. 348, adopted August 7,
<br /> 1961, urging support and approval of the thoroughbred racing application of the Los
<br /> Alamitos Race Course,
<br />
<br /> From the Orange County City Engineers Association, enclosing list of Uniform
<br />Street Standards adopted August 7, 1961, and urging the adoption of said standards
<br />by the City,
<br />
<br /> From the Southern Pacific Company requesting opportunity to be present if the
<br /> Santa Fe Railroad re-open the question of whether SP or Santa Fe shall be allowed t~
<br />g~%gain control of Western Pacific Railroad,
<br />
<br /> From the Chairman, Civil Defense Committee, Engineering & Gradim~ Contractors
<br />Association, Inc., reference a "group shelter plan" which will accc~modate 750 per-
<br />~%~sons and lends itself to being placed under parking areas, streets, school yards and
<br /> parks,
<br />
<br /> Frem the Los Alamitos Race Course, expressing appreciation for City's support
<br />of the application before the California Horse Racing Board for fourteen days of
<br />thoroughbred racing,
<br />
<br /> From James C. Griffin, 14~6 So. Olive Street, offering to the City the purchase
<br /> ~of his home at the northwest corner of Edinger Avenue and Olive Streets, and request-
<br />~ ing appraisal as soon as possible,
<br />
<br /> Fram Mrs. Leslie Pearson, 1029 W. 2nd Street, opposing the use of parking me-
<br /> ters after 6 P.M., stating the two-hour parking locations are too far away and too
<br />~y~dark for safety, and the shoppers and theatre-goers are being driven away from the
<br /> downtown area,
<br />
<br /> From Donald A. Hart, 2321 Spurgeon Street, request!~g clarification of pickup
<br />time of trash, whether 6:30 A.M. or 7:00 ~.M., and enclosing Complaint No. 110844,
<br />filed August 5, 1961, with the Police, reference the noise created by the trash
<br />trucks,
<br />
<br /> Application of M. & W. Bus Lines, Inc., before the Public Utilities Commission,
<br />for authority to increase passenger fares, and advising of continued hearing sched-
<br />uled for August lO, and
<br />
<br />Special Library
<br />Fact-Finding Committee
<br />City Library Stations
<br />
<br /> Notifications of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Applications of
<br />Charles E. Henke and Harold J. Johnson, 3610-B West Bolsa Avenue; Florence R. and
<br />James A. Gottschalk, 1530 South Flower Street; Robert and Teresita J. Buchholz,
<br />k01½ West Fourth Street; Elizabeth C. and Gordon MmcLean, 421 East McFadden AVenue;
<br />William R. Seliger, 2038~ South Main Street; Dolores A. and Jack Thc~npson, 218 East
<br />17th Street; James P. and Marie M. Carrescia, 4622 West Bolsa Avenue; and Joe Reveie~
<br />502 North Verano Road.
<br />
<br />It was moved by Counci!msn Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, that any
<br />
<br />action on the part of the City Council, relative to the information received from
<br />
<br />the Special Fact-Finding C~ittee concerning the City Library Stations, be contin-
<br />
<br />ued to the next meeting.
<br />
<br />
<br />