<br />
<br />Plans and specifications
<br />Advertise for Bids
<br />Construct Sewer Tustin Ave.
<br />Project S-30
<br />
<br />Approve payment
<br />W. J. Gage
<br />Street improvements
<br />Tustin Avenue
<br />
<br />Approve payment
<br />W. J. Gage
<br />Sewer construction
<br />Tustin Avenue
<br />
<br />Approve payment
<br />W.R .and R .K.Elliott
<br />Street improvements
<br />Sugar Avenue
<br />
<br />Advertise for bids
<br />Air Compressor;
<br />Paving Breakers and
<br />Accessories;
<br />Esphaltic Concrete,
<br />Truck and Paving Machine
<br />Spreads, 1961-62;
<br />Fire Hose ~y]
<br />
<br />Merit Salary
<br />Increases ~
<br />
<br />Leave of Absence
<br />Carl J. Thornton
<br />
<br />Appoiut
<br />H. H. Foremen, Jr.
<br />(Acting City
<br /> Manager) ¢~q~
<br />
<br />Application to
<br />Solicit Funds
<br /> gg~/
<br />
<br />Application to
<br />Solicit Funds
<br /> ~Y/
<br />
<br />· On motion of c°un~lman Hubbard" ~econded by S~lueter and carried, the request of
<br />
<br /> the Department of Public Works was granted, the plans and specifications approved,
<br /> and the Purchasing Agent authorized to advertise for bids, for the construction of
<br />
<br />a sanitary sewer in Tustin Avenue, between points approximately 610 feet north of
<br />Fourth Street and 375 feet south of Seventeenth Street, Project S-SO; bids to be
<br />opened September 5, 1961.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the request of
<br />
<br />the Department of Public Works was approved for payment to W. J. Gage, 13682 South
<br />
<br />Tustin Avenue, in the sum of $2,205.83, for City's share of street improvements on
<br />Tustin Avenue, north of Seventeenth Street, in exchange for the dedication of Tusti~
<br />Avenue to the ultimate width, and construction of curb, gutter, sidewalk and pave-
<br />
<br />ment, required in Record of Survey No. ~92.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by
<br />
<br />Schlueter and carried, the request of
<br />
<br />the Department of Public Works was approved for payment to W. J. Gage, 13682 South
<br />
<br />Tustin Avenue, in the sum of $1,767.50, for City's share of sewer construction in
<br />
<br />Tustin Avenue, north of Seventeenth Street, in conjunction with construction in
<br />Record of Survey No. 392, the size being in excess of branch-sewer requirements.
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the request of
<br />the Department of Public Works was approved for payment to W. R. and R. K. Elliott,
<br />930 Newhope Street, in the sum of $215.02~ for City's share of street improvements
<br />on Sugar Avenue, west of Harbor Boulevard, in exchange for dedication of Sugar Av-
<br />
<br />enue to the ultimate width, and construction of curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement
<br />
<br />in conjunction with the construction required by Variance No. 1436.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the Purchasing
<br />
<br />Agent was authorized to advertise for bids on the following:
<br />
<br /> Furnish and deliver one portable rotary 125 ciera, air cc~pressor as item one,
<br />and/or three paving breakers with accessories as item two, Specification No. 623-19~
<br />and estlmated asphaltic concrete requirements, truck spread as item one and paving
<br />machine spread as item two, for fiscal year 1961-62, Specification No. 488-11; bids
<br />to be opened September 18, 1961, and
<br />
<br /> Furnish and deliver 2400 feet B-inch Underwriters Labeled Fire Hose, Specifi-
<br />cation No. 6B1-3; bids to be opened September 18, 1961.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the written re-
<br />
<br />commendation of the Manager, dated August 17, 1961, was approved for salary step
<br />increases for One employee~ effective August 1, 1961, and for twelve employees, ef-
<br />fective September l~ ~961.
<br />
<br />On motion of Counci~man Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, .the oral reques$
<br />of C a r 1 J. Thornton, City Manager, was granted to leave the State from August
<br />
<br />23 to September 15, 1961.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carried, the request of Carl
<br />
<br />J, Thornton, City Manager, was granted, for Hugh Foreman, Jr., Director of Public
<br />
<br />Works, to serve as Acting City Manager, during the Manager's absence from the StateI
<br />frei August 23rd through September 15th, 1961.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the applicationI
<br />of The Lion's Club of Santa Ana was granted, to solicit c~ntributions on the streets
<br />Friday, September 8, 1961, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., for the
<br />
<br />Sight Conservation Fund.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the application~
<br />of Orange County Chapter of Muscular Dystrophy Association of America, Inc., was
<br />
<br />
<br />