Plans and Specifications
<br />for East Garden Grove-
<br />Wintersburg Channel
<br />Project C -~,~.
<br />
<br />Application
<br />Industrial Guard
<br />Service, Inc.
<br />
<br />Appointment of
<br />Member Santa Ana
<br />Vehicle Parking
<br />District No. i
<br />
<br />Leave of
<br />Absence
<br />Dale H. Heinly
<br />
<br />Co~aanication
<br />City Attorney
<br />(Regulating
<br />cateri~ trucks)
<br />
<br />Request
<br />Department of
<br />Public Works
<br />(FOur-Way Stop
<br /> Grand and McFadden
<br /> Avenues) ~ ~
<br />
<br />Request
<br />Department of
<br />Public Works
<br />(Two-Way Stop
<br /> Ross and Second
<br /> Streets) g~ ~
<br />
<br />Request
<br />John Evans
<br />(Limited Parking
<br /> 1216 W. Fifth St.)
<br />
<br />Request
<br />District Attorney
<br />Kenneth Williams
<br />(Reserve Parking Stalls
<br /> on Eighth Street )
<br />
<br />Request
<br />Ray L. Musick
<br />(Angle Parking
<br /> Towner St. cul-de-sac
<br /> 1600 Block) d#~l
<br />
<br />Request
<br />Ariel Realty
<br />(Limited Parking on
<br /> 17th and English Sts.)
<br />
<br />Purchase of property
<br />Catarino M.Padilla, et ux
<br />(South side Tenth St.,
<br />east of English St.)
<br />
<br />granted to solicit funds during December, with the March taking place December 1
<br />through 3, 1961, for the care and treatment of local muscular dystrophy patients,
<br />and to support research programs to find a cure.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the request of
<br />
<br />the Department of Public Works was granted, and the plans and specifications ap-
<br />proved, for the East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Channel, from Newhope Street to Has-
<br />ter Retarding Basin, Project C-5.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the application
<br />of Industrial Guard Service, Inc., 814 Ken Way, Anaheim, to perform Guard Service
<br />for industrial plants, was referred to the City Manager for processing and repol~.
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carried, Douglas W. Horto~
<br />was appointed to serve as a member of the Santa Ana Vehicle Parking District No. l,
<br />to fill the unexpired term of John Day; term to expire June 30, 1963.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the oral re-
<br />quest of Councilman Dale H. Heinly was granted to be absent from the State on
<br />August 23, instead of August 26, and to return September 5, instead of August 30,
<br />
<br />Cumm~A~icatiO~ was presented from the City Attorney reference catering trucks park-
<br />lng in frc~t of restaurants or other places upon the streets of the City, and on
<br />motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the c~nication
<br />was received, filed, and copies fur n ish ed to the Council for study relative to
<br />an Ordinance covering catering trucks.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carrze~, ~ ~quest of the
<br />Department of Public Works for a Four-Way Stop at the intersection of Grand and
<br />McFadden Avenues, was postponed to the next meeting.
<br />
<br />On motion of Councilman Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carried, the request of the
<br />Department of Public Works for a Two-Way Stop at the intersection of Ross and Second
<br />Streets, was referred t o t he Admini strat ive Staff for further study and re-
<br />c cmmendat ion.
<br />
<br />On reco~nendation of the Department of Public Works, and on motion~of Counci~ma,
<br />Hubbard, seconded by Schtueter and carried, the request of John Evans was denied
<br />for Limited Parking at 1216 W. Fifth Street.
<br />
<br />On recceunendation of the Department of Public Works, and on motion of Councilman
<br />Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the request of D~strict Attorney Ken-
<br />neth Williams was denied for reserved parking stalls on Eighth Street in front of
<br />the Hall of Records, and the Clerk instructed to notify District Attorney Williams
<br />to contact the County Transportation and Cummmnication Department for possible re-
<br />served off-street parking stalls.
<br />
<br />On recc~mendation of the Department of Public Works, and on motion of Councilman
<br />Hubbard, seconded by Brewer and carried, the request of Ray L. Musick was denied
<br />for angle parking in the Towner Street cul-de-sac (1600 block).
<br />
<br />On recc~mendation of the Department of Public Works, and on motion of CounciLman
<br />Hubbard, seconded by Schlueter and carried, the request c~ Ariel Realty was denied
<br />for L~m~ted Parking on Seventeenth and English Streets.
<br />
<br />The Manager reported reference the co,~n.ication frcm Catarino M. and Consuelo C.
<br />Padilla, owners of property at 919 No. English Street, submitting Cashier's check
<br />in the amount of $100.00 in part payment for City-owned strip of land approximately
<br />
<br />
<br />