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The primary source of water quality pollutants associated <br />with the operation of the proposed project would be from <br />nuisance flows. Nuisance flows are defined as runoff that <br />occurs during periods that are not usually associated with <br />rainfall, and are most commonly produced from landscaping <br />irrigation, leaking pipes, and water used to wash off <br />surfaces tributary to the street. Since nuisance flows <br />usually originates in the street, they commonly contain <br />many common pollutants found in streets such as oil and <br />grease and sediment. Additionally, during construction <br />operations, surface water runoff generated from the project <br />site could be degraded also potentially resulting in water <br />quality impacts to downstream receiving waters. <br /> <br />Commercial kitchens associated with the proposed project <br />produces grease as a by-product of their operation. If not <br />properly disposed of, the grease could potentially create <br />blockage of sewer lines, which could result in damages to <br />both public and private property. Additionally, the <br />spillage could potentially result water quality impacts. <br />Such impacts could potentially be in conflict with water <br />quality standards established by the State Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board. To reduce potential water quality <br />impacts to a level considered less than significant the <br />following mitigation measure shall be implemented. <br /> <br />Mitigation Measure <br /> <br />Prior to issuance of a grading permit the applicant <br />shall prepare an NPDES post-construction storm water <br />management plan per Orange County Drainage Area <br />Management Plan (DAMP)' that include~ all structural <br />and non-structural Best Management Practices. <br /> <br />a. Submit and have approved a surface drainage/utility plan <br /> that includes all Structural Best Management Practices. <br /> <br />b. Provide two copies of the Water Quality Management Plan <br /> that includes a description of all-applicable Structural <br /> and Non-Structural Best Management Practices, which may <br /> apply to this project. <br /> <br />Building plans shall reflect that the proposed project <br />is fitted with a grease interceptor to the size and <br />capacity as designated by the Building Safety Division <br />of the City of Santa Aha to mitigate impacts on the <br />local sanitary sewer system and regional water <br /> <br />75. B. Page 106 <br /> <br /> <br />