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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Section 1. FACILITY AND OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS: <br /> <br />City Hall 8 Story Building with basement. <br /> <br />Lighting <br /> <br />See Exhibit F2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for attached room by room <br />lighting spreadsheets. <br /> <br />Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment: <br /> <br /> 1. The 8-story with basement and 2-story buildings are being served by constant volume dual <br />duct constant air volume system (DD-CAV). With the second floor served by two air handling units <br />(AHU), the rest of the floors are served by one AHU. Each AHU unit has single speed fan motor. <br /> 2. Chilled water and steam supply is served through the Santa Ana District cooling and heating <br />system. <br /> 3. Replace the AHU supply fan motor with new premium efficiency motor. In addition, <br />replace existing belts, pulleys with new cog belt synchronous type belts and sheaves (Goodyear or <br />equal). <br /> 4. Provide Variable Speed Drive (VSD) to each AHU for the conversion of the dual duct <br />constant air volume (DD-CAV) to dual duct variable air volume system (DD-VAV). <br />Replace the existing DD mixing boxes with new VAV retrofit boxes. <br /> 5. Provide a complete and operable system. <br /> <br />Electrical upgrades for the new HVAC equipment: <br /> <br />1. Provide new electrical wiring as required from the addition of VSD's to the AHU's. <br />2. Provide a complete and operable system. <br /> <br />Elevators <br />For one West Elevator and two East Elevators: <br /> <br />Scope of work as indicated in the Thyssen Krupp Elevator faxed documents dated September 24, 2002 <br />with the scope dated May 26, 2000, revised on January 28, 2003. Scope as a minimum shall include <br />the following: <br /> <br />1. TAC-50 geared control system VVVF-drive <br />2. AC motors <br />3. Brake pads <br />4. Automatic self leveling <br />5. Controllers <br />6. Special emergency service <br /> <br /> <br />