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CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <br />GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1. Definitions <br />a) Acceptance Tests —Those tests performed during the <br />Performance Period which are intended to determine <br />compliance of equipment and software with the <br />specifications and all other attachments incorporated herein <br />by reference and to determine the reliability of the <br />equipment. <br />b) Application Program —A computer program which is <br />intended to be executed for the purpose of performing useful <br />work for the user of the information being processed. <br />Application programs are developed or otherwise acquired <br />by the user of the hardware /software system, but the <br />contractor may supply them. <br />c) Attachment —A mechanical, electrical, or electronic <br />interconnection to the contractor- supplied machine or <br />system of equipment, manufactured by other than the <br />original equipment manufacturer, that is not connected by <br />the contractor. <br />d) Data Processing Subsystem —A complement of contractor - <br />furnished individual machines, including the necessary <br />controlling elements (or the functional equivalent) and <br />operating software, if any, which are acquired to operate as <br />an integrated group, and which are interconnected entirely <br />by contractor- supplied power and /or signal cables; e.g., <br />direct access controller and drives, a cluster of terminals with <br />their controller, etc. <br />e) Data Processing System (System) —The total complement of <br />contractor- fumished machines, including one or more central <br />processors (or instruction processors) and operating <br />software, which are acquired to operate as an integrated <br />group. <br />f) Designated CPU(s) —Far each product, the term <br />.'Designated CPUs) ", if applicable, means the central <br />processing unit of the computers or the server unit, including <br />any associated peripheral units. If no specific "Designated <br />CPU(s)- are specified on the contract, the term shall mean <br />any and all CPUs located at the site specified therein. <br />g) Documentation — Nonproprietary manuals and other printed <br />materials that are necessary or useful to the State in its use <br />or maintenance of the equipment or software provided <br />hereunder. <br />h) Eduioment —An all- inclusive term which refers either to <br />individual machines or to a complete data processing system <br />or subsystem, including its hardware and operating software <br />(If any). <br />i) Equipment Failure—A malfunction in the equipment, <br />excluding all external factors, which prevents the <br />accomplishment of the equipment's intended function(s). if <br />microcode or operating software residing in the equipment is <br />necessary for the proper operation of the equipment, a <br />failure of such microcode or operating software which <br />prevents the accomplishment of the equipment's intended <br />functions shall be deemed to be an equipment failure. <br />j) Facility Readiness Date —The date specified in the purchase <br />order or Statement of Work by which the State must have <br />the site prepared and available for equipment delivery and <br />installation. <br />February 2001 11 <br />k) Hardware – Usually refers to computer equipment and is <br />contrasted with software. See also Equipment. <br />I) Installation Date —The date specified in the purchase order <br />or Statement of Work by which the contractor must have the <br />ordered equipment ready (certified) for use by the State. <br />m) Information Technology – includes, but is not limited to, all <br />electronic technology systems and services, automated <br />information handling, system design and analysis, <br />conversion of data, computer programming, information <br />storage and retrieval, telecommunications which include <br />voice, video, and data communications, requisite system <br />controls, simulation, electronic commerce, and all related <br />interactions between people and machines. <br />n) Information Technology Services – Services performed <br />directly an or pertaining to electronic technology and <br />telecommunications hardware, firmware, and software <br />including, but not limited to, computerized and auxiliary <br />automated information handling, system design and <br />analysis, data conversion, computer programming, <br />information storage and retrieval, voice, video, data <br />communications, requisite system controls, simulation, <br />electronic commerce, maintenance and repair, software <br />licensing and support, and training, and all related <br />interactions between people and machines. Also included <br />are services of an advisory nature requiring a recommended <br />course of action or personal expertise as it pertains to <br />information technology project and information technology <br />support functions. <br />o) Machine —An individual unit of a data processing system or <br />subsystem, separately identified by a type and /or model <br />number, comprised of but not limited to mechanical, electro- <br />mechanical, and electronic parts, microcode, and special <br />features installed thereon and including any necessary <br />software, e.g., central processing unit, memory module. tape <br />unit, card reader, etc. <br />p) tilachine Alteration —Any change to a contractor - supplied <br />machine which is not made by the contractor, and which <br />results in the machine deviating from its physical, <br />mechanical, electrical, or electronic (including microcode) <br />design, whether or not additional devices or parts are <br />employed in making such change. <br />q) Maintenance Diagnostic Routines —The diagnostic programs <br />customarily used by the contractor to test equipment for <br />Proper functioning and reliability. <br />r) Mean Time Between Failure (MTBFI —The average <br />expected or observed time between consecutive failures in a <br />system or component. <br />s) Mean Time to Recair (MTTR) —The average expected or <br />observed time required to repair a system or component and <br />return it to normal operation. <br />t) Coerating Software —Those routines, whether or not <br />identified as program products, that reside in the equipment <br />and are required for the equipment to perform its intended <br />function(s), and which interface the operator, other <br />contractor - supplied programs, and user programs to the <br />equipment. <br />