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CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />ii) No officer or employee shall contract on his or her own 66. CMAS Risk of Loss or Damage <br />behalf as an independent contractor with any State <br />agency to provide goods or services. The State shall be relieved from all risks of loss or damage to the <br />equipment under this contract prior to delivery and /or installation <br />c) Former State Employees (Public Contract Code Section as defned in the actual purchase order except when such loss or <br />10411): _ damage is due to fault or negligence of the State. <br />i) For the two-year period from the date he or she left <br />State employment, no former State officer or employee <br />may enter into a contract in which he or she engaged in <br />any of the negotiations, transactions, planning, <br />arrangements or any part of the decision- making <br />process relevant to the contract while employed in any <br />capacity by any State agency. <br />ii) For the twelve -month period from the date he or she <br />left State employment, no former State officer or <br />employee may enter into a contract with any State <br />agency if he or she was employed by that State agency <br />in a policy- making position in the same general subject <br />area as the proposed contract within the twelve -month <br />period prior to his or her leaving State service. <br />63. CMAS Subcontracting Requirements <br />Any subcontractor that the CMAS supplier chooses to use in <br />fulfilling the requirements of this contract/purchase order, and <br />which is expected to receive more that ten (10) percent of value <br />of the contract/purchase order, must also meet all contractual, <br />administrative, and technical requirements of the <br />contracVpurchase order, as applicable. <br />64. CMAS Rental ,Agreements <br />The State does not agree to: <br />• Indemnify a contractor; <br />• Assume responsibility for matters beyond its control; <br />• Agree to make payments in advance: <br />• Accept any other provision creating a contingent liability <br />against the State: or <br />• Agree to obtain insurance to protect the contractor. <br />The State's responsibility for repairs and liability for damage or <br />loss is restricted to that made necessary by or resulting from the <br />negligent act or omission of the State or its officers, employees, <br />or agents. <br />If the contractor maintains the equipment, the contractor must <br />keep the equipment in good working order and make all <br />necessary repairs and adjustments without qualification. The <br />State may terminate for default or cease paying rent should the <br />contractor fail to maintain the equipment property, <br />Personal property taxes are not generaily reimbursed when <br />leasing equipment (SAM 6736). <br />65. CMAS Lease (Lease SMart TM) <br />I an agency desires to lease through Lease Stlart 1, the <br />contractor agrees to sell to lessor the assets at the same price as <br />they agree to sell to the State. <br />February 2001 11 <br />67. CMAS Noncollusion Affidavit <br />Contractor hereby certifies that any quotation provided for a <br />CMAS order or project is not made in the interest of, or on behalf <br />of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, <br />organization, or corporation; that the quotation is genuine and not <br />collusive or sham; that the contractor has not directly or indirectly <br />induced or solicited any other contractor to put in a false sham <br />quotation, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, <br />connived, or agreed with any contractor or anyone else to put in a <br />sham quotation, or that anyone shall refrain from quonog; that the <br />contractor has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by <br />agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix any <br />overhead, profit, or cost element of the quoted price, of that of <br />any other contractor, or to secure any advantage against the <br />public body awarding the contract or anyone interested in the <br />proposed contract: that all statements in the quotation are true; <br />and, further, that the contractor has not, directly or indirectly, <br />submitted its quoted price or any breakdown thereof, of the <br />contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, <br />or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, <br />company, association, organization, quote depository, or to any <br />member of agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham <br />quotation. <br />66. Union Organizing <br />Contractor by signing this agreement hereby acknowledges the <br />applicability of Government Code Section 16645 through Section <br />16649 to this agreement. <br />a) Contractor will not assist, promote or deter union organizing <br />by employees performing work on a state service contract, <br />including a public works contract. <br />b) No state funds received under this agreement will be used to <br />assist, promote or deter union organizing. <br />c) Contractor will not, for any business conducted under this <br />agreement, use any state property to hold meetings with <br />employees or supervisors, if the purpose of suds meetings is <br />to assist, promote or deter union organizing, unless the state <br />property is equally available to the general public for holding <br />meetings. <br />d) if Contractor incurs costs, or makes expenditures to assist, <br />promote or deter union organizing, Contractor will maintain <br />records sufficient to show that no reimbursement from state <br />funds has been sought for these costs. and that Contractor <br />shall provide those records to the Attorney General upon <br />request. <br />