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CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <br />PURCHASE SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />1. Uquidated Damages <br />a) General <br />In the event that the contractor fails to deliver in accordance <br />with the contract requirements, the parties agree that the <br />delay will interfere with the proper implementation of the <br />State's programs, to the loss and damage of the State. <br />From the nature of the case, it would be impracticable and <br />extremely difficult to fix the actual damages sustained in the <br />event of any such delay. The State and contractor, <br />therefore, presume that in the event of any such delay the <br />amount of damage which will be sustained from a delay will <br />be the amounts set forth in the purchase order or Statement <br />of Work, and the State and the contractor agree that in the <br />event of any such delay, the contractor shall pay such <br />amounts as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. <br />Amounts due the State as liquidated damages may be <br />deducted by the State from any money payable to the <br />contractor. The State shall notify the contractor in writing of <br />any claim for liquidated damages pursuant to this paragraph <br />on or before the date State deducts such sums from money <br />payable to the contractor. <br />b) Delivery Delays <br />i) If the contractor does not deliver all the deliverables <br />listed on the purchase order or Statement of Work <br />ready for use in substantial accordance with the <br />contractors specifications, on or before the Delivery <br />Dates specified in the purchase order or Statement of <br />Work, the contractor shall be liable for liquidated <br />damages in the amounts specified in the purchase <br />order or Statement of Work, in lieu of all other damages <br />for such nondelivery. Liquidated damages shall accrue <br />for each calendar day between the Delivery Date <br />specified and the actual date of the delivery of such <br />deliverables or for 180 days, whichever occurs first. If <br />the contractor fails to provide the software listed in the <br />purchase order or Statement of Work by the specified <br />Delivery Date, but provides suitable substitution of <br />software acceptable to the State, liquidated damages <br />shall not apply to listed software for which substituted <br />software is provided. <br />q If the State Is unable to use the equipment on the <br />installation date because contractor failed to deliver the <br />software listed in the purchase order or Statement of <br />Work by the Delivery Date specified in the purchase <br />order or Statement of Work, and contractor does not <br />furnish suitable substitute software acceptable to the <br />State, liquidated damages for equipment noninstallation <br />shall be paid to the State in lieu of damages for <br />software nondelivery. Such liquidated damages shall <br />apply until the State uses the equipment or until <br />contractor provides the programming aids, program <br />products, or applications which would render the <br />equipment usable, whichever occurs first, but not for <br />more than 180 calendar days. <br />_. Title to Equipment <br />Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order or Statement of <br />Work, title to the equipment shall remain in the contractor and <br />assigns. if any, until such time as successful acceptance testing <br />has been achieved. Title to a special feature installed on a <br />machine and for which only a single installation charge was paid <br />shall pass to the State at no additional charge. together with title <br />to the machine on which it was installed. <br />February 2001 14 <br />3. Price Decline (Applicable to Third Party Contractors) <br />Prices quoted shall be the maximum for the contract period <br />subject to any price escalation provisions reflected in the contract. <br />However, should a price decline be announced by the <br />manufacturer after contract award, but prior to a third party <br />contractor taking title to the equipment, and should the third party <br />contractor be the recipient of this manufacturer's price decline, it <br />shall be passed on in total to the State by the third party <br />contractor. Any interest, finance, or other charges based on the <br />contract price will be recomputed using the original quote rates <br />and the differences will also be passed to the State in total. <br />4. Price Decline (Applicable to Manufacturers) <br />Prices quoted shall be the maximum for the contract period <br />subject to any price escalation provisions reflected in the contract. <br />However, should the manufacturer announce a price decline after <br />contract award, but prior to the State taking title to the equipment, <br />the manufacturer shall pass it on in total to the State. Any <br />interest, finance, or other charges based on the contract price will <br />be recomputed using the original quote rates and the differences <br />will also be passed to the State in total. <br />5. CMAS Connection Paints for Central Processor Evaluation <br />Equipment <br />If requested by the State, the contractor agree to identify, on all <br />items of equipment supplied under this contract, all appropriate <br />test points for connecting one of the commercially available <br />hardware monitors designed to measure system activity. <br />