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• CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <br />• PERSONAL SERVICES SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />AGENCIES MUST DEVELOP AND INCLUDE A STATEMENT OF 3. Unanticipated Tasks <br />WORK (SOW) WITH THE PURCHASE ORDER (SEE BELOW). <br />1. Personnel <br />a) Contractor personnel shall perform their duties on the <br />premises of the State, during the State's regular work days <br />and normal work hours, except as may be specifically <br />agreed to otherwise by the State. <br />b) The State reserves the right to disapprove the continuing 4. <br />assignment of contractor personnel provided to the State <br />under this contract. If the State exercises this right, and the <br />contractor cannot immediately replace the disapproved <br />personnel, the parties agree to proceed with any equitable <br />adjustment in schedule or other terms that may be affected <br />thereby. <br />c) The contractor will make every effort consistent with sound <br />business practices to honor the specific requests of the State <br />with regard to assignment of its employees; however the <br />contractor reserves the sole right to determine the <br />assignment of its employees. If a contractor employee is <br />unable to perform due to illness, resignation, or other factors <br />beyond the contractor's control, the contractor will make <br />every reasonable effort to provide suitable substitute <br />personnel, <br />d) In recognition of the fact that contractor personnel providing <br />services under this contract may perform similar services <br />from time to time for others, this contract shall not prevent <br />contractor from performing such similar services or restrict <br />contractor from using the personnel provided to the State <br />under this contract, providing that such use does not conflict <br />with the performance of services under this contract. <br />2. Responsibilities of the State <br />a) The State shall provide normal office working facilities and <br />equipment necessary for contractor performance under this <br />contract. Any special requirements (e.g., reprographic <br />services, computer time, key data entry, etc.) shall be <br />identified in the purchase order or Statement of Work. <br />b) The State is responsible for providing required information, <br />data, documentation, and test data to facilitate the <br />contractors performance of the work, and will provide such <br />additional assistance and services as is specifically set forth <br />in the purchase order or Statement of Work. <br />c) Delay or failure by the State to fulfill the above described <br />responsibilities, such that the contractor is prevented from <br />performing in accordance with the applicable purchase order <br />or Statement of Work. may result in additional costs to the <br />State and deviations from previously agreed upon work <br />schedules. Should the contractor determine that a delay <br />exists, or is probable due to failure of the State, the <br />contractor will notify the State in writing immediateiy. <br />February 2001 17 <br />In the event that additional work must be performed which was <br />wholly unanticipated, and which is not specified in the purchase <br />order or Statement of Work, but which in the opinion of both <br />parties is necessary to the successful accomplishment of the <br />general scope of work outlined, the agency must prepare an <br />amendment to the purchase order to include the unanticipated <br />work before the contractor can commence with the work. <br />Invoicing and Payment for Services <br />a) During the execution of each task which involves the delivery <br />to the State of identified deliverable items, the contractor <br />may submit periodically to the State invoices reflecting a pro - <br />rata cost of the task, determined on the basis of the lesser of <br />either: <br />i) The number of deliverables provided to the State <br />divided by the total number of deliverables required to <br />be delivered to the State, less the percentage specified <br />in the statement of work, less any amounts previously <br />invoiced; or <br />ii) The number of work -hours expended by the <br />contractor in the performance of the task divided <br />by the number of work hours scheduled for the <br />task, less the percentage specified in the <br />statement of work, less any amounts previously <br />invoiced. <br />b) For those tasks which do not involve delivery to the State of <br />identified deliverable items, but which are of a continuing <br />nature, the contractor may submit invoices reflecting a pro- <br />rata cost of the task, less the percentage specified in the <br />statement of work, but no less than 10 percent, less any <br />amount previously invoiced. Actual progress payment <br />amounts for such tasks must be based on at!east equivalent <br />services renderea, and to the extent practicable, will be <br />keyed to clearly identifiable stages of progress as reflected <br />in written reports submitted with the invoices. <br />c) Upon completion of a task to the satisfaction of the State. <br />the full charge for such task, less amounts previously <br />invoiced to the State may be submitted for payment. <br />However, this is only applicable when the benefits of <br />completion of a task can he fully utilized without completion <br />of a subsequent task. <br />d) Invoices prepared in accordance with this provision wiil not <br />be submitted more frequently than monthly to the State. <br />_) In the aggregate, invoices reflecting progress payments will <br />not exceed 90 percent of the ceiling amount of the contract, <br />with the balance to be invoiced upon satisfactory completion <br />of the contract. <br />See Information Technology General Terms and Conditions for <br />CMAS Progress Payments / Perfcrmance Bonds. <br />5. Contractor Evaluation <br />In accordance with the California Government Code, contractor <br />performance evaluation will be completed within the guidelines of <br />the State Contracting Manual, Section 9.08. The State - <br />contracting agency, upon contract completion, will complete and <br />forward the contractor evaluation to the Departrrlent of General <br />Services. Office of Legal Services. <br />