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5. <br />CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE (CMAS) <br />INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <br />MAINTENANCE SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />The first hour of work performed when remedial <br />maintenance service is requested during the <br />covered period of maintenance and the actual <br />work is begun outside such period. <br />Maintenance Charges <br />a) The maintenance charges described include all maintenance <br />costs, and the State will pay no additional charges unless <br />specifically set forth in this contract. Maintenance rates shall <br />be firm for the contract period subject to any maximum <br />annual maintenance escalation as set forth in the contract. <br />b) Maintenance charges for fractions of a calendar month shall <br />be computed at the rate of 1/30 of the applicable Total <br />Monthly Maintenance Charge, for each day maintenance <br />was provided. <br />c) There will be no charge for travel expense associated with <br />maintenance service or programming service under this <br />contract except that actual travel expenses will be charged in <br />those instances where the site at which the machine is <br />located is not normally accessible by private automobile or <br />scheduled public transportation. <br />6. Maintenance Credit for Inoperative Machines <br />The contractor shall grant a proportionate maintenance credit on <br />a machine shown in the purchase order or Statement of Work <br />when the machine is inoperative for consecutive scheduled work <br />periods totaling 24 hours from the time the State notifies the <br />contractor the machine was inoperative, provided (1) the machine <br />became inoperative through no fault of the State, and (2) the <br />breakdown was attributable to equipment failure. The credits to <br />be granted by the contractor to the State shall be as rerfected in <br />the purchase order or Statement of Work. <br />?. Engineering Changes <br />Engineering changes, determined applicable by contractor, will be <br />controlled, and installed by contractor on equipment covered by <br />this contract. The State may elect to have only mandatory <br />changes, as determined by contractor, installed on machines so <br />designated. A written notice of this election must be provided to <br />the contractor for confirmation. There shall be no charge for <br />engineering changes made. Any contractor- initiated change shall <br />be installed at a time mutually agreeable to the State and the <br />contractor. Contractor reserves the right to charge, at its then <br />current time and material rates. for additional service time and <br />materials required due to noninstallation of applicable engineering <br />changes after contractor has made a reasonable effort to secure <br />time to install such changes. <br />8. Relocation of Equipment <br />a) In the event the equipment being maintained under the <br />terms and conditions of this contract is moved to another <br />location within the State of California, the contractor shall <br />continue to maintain the equipment at the new location. <br />February 2001 16 <br />b) The charges of the contractor to dismantle and pack the <br />equipment and installation at the new location shall be at the <br />rates set forth in the contract. The State agrees to pay all <br />costs incidental to any move, including costs for packing, <br />crating, rigging, transportation, unpacking, uncrating, <br />insurance, installation, and State and local sales tax, if any; <br />unless the federal GSA (or other base contract) stipulates <br />otherwise. <br />c) If contractor is responsible for the move, no re-certification <br />charges to confirm continued maintenance eligibility would <br />be applicable. If the move is conducted by other than <br />contractor, State agrees to pay re- certification charges to <br />contractor at rates set forth in the contract. <br />9. Termination <br />Notwithstanding the Termination for Convenience provisions <br />contained in the General Provisions, upon thirty (30) days' <br />written notification to the contractor, State may terminate, at no <br />cost to the State, maintenance for all or any portion of the <br />equipment identified in the purchase order or the Statement of <br />Work. <br />