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<br />, Named Insured; Southland Communications, Inc. Policy No; 01-CD"677669-0 <br />DBA: SOlITHLAND CAR COUNTERS Policy Period: 09130/03 to 09/30/04 <br />DBA; PHOENIX DATA SERVICES <br /> <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> <br />FlI SAFEC:O" <br /> <br />LIABILITY PLUS ENDORSEMENT CG.76 35 1001 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LlABILIlY <br /> <br />This endorsement mDdilies insurance prov\cled under the follOwing: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILllY COVERAGE PART <br /> <br />Sc,HEDULE <br /> <br />Haml 01 Person Dr Organization: <br /> <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS <br />20 CIVIC CENTER, M-2l <br />SANTAANA,CA 92702 <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED. BY WRmEN CONTRACt, <br />AGREEMENT OR PERMf'. OR SCHEDULE <br />The fDllowing paragraph is added to WHO IS AN INSURED <br />(Section II): <br /> <br />5. MY person or Drg",izatlon ShDwn in the Schedule or <br />for whDm you 8/e required by written contract, <br />agreement' or perm. to provide insurance Is an <br />insured, subject to ¡the following add~lonal provisions: <br />a. The contract,: agreement or permft must be in <br />enect during i the policy period shown In the <br />Declarations, ~ must have been executed priOr <br />tD the -bodily Injury," "property damage,. <br />"personal and advertising injury," <br />b. The person 01 organization added as an insured <br />by this endDrsement is an insured only tD the <br />e>Ctent you are held liable due to: <br />(1) The ownership, maintenance Dr use of that <br />part of premises you Dwn, rent, lease Dr <br />occupy, &ub ect tD the following add~lon81 <br />provisions: <br />(8) This: Insurance does not apply to any <br />"DCéUrrence. which takes place after <br />you cease to be a tenant in any <br />premises leased to or rented to you; <br />(h) This insurance does not apply to any <br />structural afterations, new construction <br />or demol~lon operations pertonned by <br />or Dn behaW of the person or <br />organization added as an insured; <br /> <br />Includes Copyriahl~ MalllrIa) '" <br />Insurance Servic8s Dna. Inc., withal pennlalion. <br />".-..'-"' ~..__.......... NI'- '- 0.., <br /> <br />..... 1 "" <br /> <br />;IJi~v1r 7-/s <br /> <br />(2) YDur DngDing operations for that insured, <br />whether the WOI1I is performed by rou or for <br />you; <br />(3) The maintenance, operation or use by you <br />of eQulpmenlleued to you by such persDn <br />or Drganlzation, subject to the following <br />additional provisions: <br />(8) This insurance does not apply 10 any <br />"Dccurrence" which takes place after <br />the equipment lease expires; <br />(b) This Insurance does not apply 10 <br />"bodily Injury" or .propelty damage" <br />arising out of the sole neGligence 01 <br />such person or organization; <br />(4) Permits issued by any state Dr pol~ical <br />subdivision with respect to operations <br />performed by you or on 'your behan, subject <br />to the following additional provision: <br />This insurance does not apply to "bDdiiy <br />Injury; "property damage," "personal and <br />advertising injury" arising DUt of operations <br />performed tor the state or munièlpallly: <br />Co The insurance with respect to any architect, <br />engineer, or surveyor added as an insured by this <br />endorsement does not apply to "bodily injury," <br />"property damage; . persDna I and advertising <br />injury" arising out of the rendering of or the <br />failure tD render any professional services by or <br />for you, including: <br />