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<br />(1) The preparing, approving, or lailing ID <br />prepare or approve maps, drawings, <br />opinions, repDrts, surveys, change Dnlers, <br />designs Dr specifications; and <br />(2) Supervisory, inspection or engineering <br />services. . <br />II. This insurance does not apply ID "bodily injury" <br />Dr .property damage" included within the <br />.products-completed operations hazarD," . <br />A person's or Drganlzation's statu's as an Insured <br />under this endorsement ends when your <br />operations for that insured are completed. <br />No coverage will be provided II, In the absence <br />of this endDrsement, no liability would be <br />Imposed by law on yotJ. Coverage shall be limited <br />to the extent of your negligence or lault aCCDrDing <br />to the applicable principles of comparatiVe faull <br /> <br />NON-OWNED WATERCRAn AND NON.OWMED AIRCRAFT <br />LIABILITY <br />Exclusion g, of COVERAGE A (Section I) Is replaced by the <br />following: <br /> <br />g. "Bodily Injury" or "property damage" arising out <br />01 the Dwnershlp, maintenance, use or <br />entrustmenl to others DI any aircraft, "aulD" or <br />watercraft owned or operated by Dr rented or <br />. loaned to any insured. Use Includes operation <br />and "loading or unloading." <br />This exclusion applies even II the claims against <br />any insured allege negligence or other <br />wrongdoing in the supervision, hIrIng, <br />employment, training or monliDring DI others by <br />that insured. if the "occurrence" which caused <br />the "bodily Injury" Dr "property damage" <br />Involved the Dwnershlp, maintenance, use or <br />entrustment to others of any aircraft, "auto" Dr <br />watercraft that Is owned or operated by or rented <br />or loaned to any Insured. <br />This exclusion does nol apply to: . <br />(1) A watercraft while ashore on premises you <br />own or rent; <br />(2) A watercraft you do not Dwn that Is: <br />(a) Less than 52 feet long; and <br />(b) Not being used to carry persons or <br />property lor e charge; <br />(3) Parking an "auto" on, or Dn the ways next <br />to, premises you own or rent. provided the <br />"auto" is not owned by or rented or loaned <br />to you D'r the Insured; <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Inc!udel Copyrighted Malo<lal 01 <br />lnauranee Servlc8a Dffico, lOt.. w;!h ~. p.rm~.<on. <br />Ccllwrlaht. lnaurance Services Offici. 100.. ZOOI <br /> <br />CG 76 3510 01 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL lIABILITY <br /> <br />(oC) LIability assumed under any" insured <br />contract" for the ownership, mainlenance or <br />use of aircraft Dr watercraft; or <br />(6) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />arising out DI the Dperation of any of the <br />equipment listed In paragraph 1.(2) or 1.(3) <br />of the definRlon of "mobile equipment" <br />(B) An aircraft you do not own provided II is not <br />operated by any Insured. <br /> <br />TENANTS' PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY <br />When a Damage to Pl1Imlses Rented to you limtt Is ShDwn <br />In the Declarations, Exclusion J. of Coverage A, Section I is <br />replaced by the following: . <br /> <br />~ Damage To PropertJ <br />"Property damage" tD: <br />(1) Property you own, rent, or occupy, including any <br />costs or expenses incurred by you, or any other <br />person, Drganizatlon or entlly, for repair, <br />replacement, enhancement, restoration or <br />maintenance of such property for eny reason, <br />inCluding prevention Df Injury to a person or <br />damage to another's property, <br />(2) Premises you sell, give away Dr a.bandon, " the <br />.property damage" arises out of any part of <br />those premises; <br />(3) Property loaned to you; <br />(4) PersDnal property In the care, custody or control <br />of the Insured; <br />(5) That particular part Df real property on which you <br />or any contractors or subcontractors working <br />directly or Indirectly on your behall are <br />performing operations, If the "property damage" <br />arises Dut of those operations, or <br />(8) That particular part of any property that must bt <br />restored. repaired or replaced because "your <br />work" was incorrectly performed on It <br />Paragraphs (1), (3) and (oC) of this exclusion do not <br />apply to "property damage" (other than damage by <br />fire) to premises, including the CDntenlS of such <br />premises, rented ID you. A separate limll of insurance <br />applies tD To Premises Rented. TD You a.s <br />described in Section III . lIm~s Of Insurance. <br />Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not apply If the <br />premises ere "your wo¡ (' and were never Dccupled <br />rented or held lor rental by you. ' <br />Paragraphs (3), (oC), (6) and (6) of this exclusion dD <br />not apply 10 liability assumed under a sidetrack <br />agreement. <br /> <br />~.v'~ <br /> <br />P...ZoI3 <br />