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<br />" <br /> <br />Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not apply to <br />"property damage" included in the <br />"products-completed operations hazard." <br /> <br />Paragraph 6. Df Section III Is replaced by the following: <br /> <br />6. Subject to S. above, the Damage To Property Limit Is <br />the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages <br />because Df "property damage" to anyone premIses, <br />while rented to you, or In the case Df damage by fire, <br />while rented to you Dr temporarily Dccupied by you <br />w~h permission of the Dwner. <br /> <br />The Tenants' Property Damage to Premises Rented tD YDU <br />lim~ is the higher Df $200,000 or the amount shown in the <br />Declarations as Damage to Premises Rented to You limit. <br /> <br />WHO IS AN INSURED. MANAGERS <br />The following is added to Paragraph 2.1. 01 WHO IS AN <br />INSURED (Section II): <br />Paragraph (1) does not applY to executive officers, or tD <br />managers at the supervisory level or above. <br /> <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B . <br />BAIL BDNDS . <br />Paragraph 1.b. of SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - <br />COVERAGES A AND B Is replaced by the following: <br /> <br />b. Up to $2,000 for cost Df bail bonds required because <br />of accidents Dr traffic law violations arising out of the <br />use Df any vehicle tD which the BodilY Injury Liability <br />Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these <br />bonds. <br /> <br />EMPLOYEES AS fNSUREDS. HEAlTH CARE SERVICES <br />Provision 2.a.(1) d. of WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) Is <br />delet8Ø, unless excluded by separate endorsement. <br />EXTENDED CDVERAGE FOR NEWLY ACQUIRED <br />ORGANIZATIONS <br />Provision 4.a. of WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) Is <br />repl1c8Ø by the following: <br /> <br />I. Coverage under this provision is afforaed only <br />until the end 01 the policy period. <br /> <br />Includa Copyrighlecl Material 01 <br />!!,'U~.~ ~..iCB'- ~~~:,!~c.~~~~ ~!",~~~ion. <br /> <br />CO 76 36 1001 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILItY <br /> <br />EXTENDED "PROPERTY DAMAGE" <br /> <br />Exclusion t. of COVERAGE A. (Section I) is amended to <br />read: . <br /> <br />.. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" expected or <br />intended from the standpoint 01 the Insured. This <br />exclusion does not apply tD "bodily injury" or <br />"property damage" resulting from the use 01 <br />reasonable force to protect persons Dr property. <br /> <br />INCREASED MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT <br />The medical expense limk Is amended to $10,000. <br /> <br />KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE <br />The following is added to Paragraph 2. Duties In The Event <br />Of Occurrence. Offense, Claim Or Suk of COMMERCIAL <br />GENERAL LlABILIlY CONDITIONS (Section IV): <br />KnDwledge of an "occurrence," claim or "suit" by your <br />agent, servant or employee shall not in itsell constitute <br />knowledge of the named Insured unless an officer 01 the <br />nam8Ø Insured has received such notice from the agent, <br />SSlVlnt or employee. <br />UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE ALL HAZARDS <br />The following Is add8Ø tD Paragraph 6. Representations Df <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LlABILIlY CONDITIONS (Section <br />IV): <br />If you unintentionally fall to disclose any hazaras existing <br />at the inception date of your pDlicY, we will not deny <br />coverage under this Coveraoe Form because of such tailure. <br />However. thIs provision does not affect our righl to collect <br />addklDnal premium Dr exercise our right 01 cancellation or <br />non-renewal. <br />LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE <br />The following paragraph is added to COMMERCiAL <br />GENERAL LlABILIlY CONDITIONS (Section IV): <br /> <br />1D. " a revision to this Coverage Part, which would <br />provide more coverage with nD additional premium, <br />becomes effective during the pDlicY period in the state <br />ShD\Vn in the Declarations, your pOliCY will <br />automatically provide this addkional coverage on the <br />effective date of the revision. <br /> <br />~. t{ (.>' <br />