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<br />AGREEMENT 1-2354 <br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />-' <br />.--- <br /> <br />A derailed description of the communication system is found in the Rail System Specifications <br />Report prepared as part of Conceptual Engineering. The CONSULTANT shall use this as a <br />point of departure for its Preliminary Engineering work. <br /> <br />Operations Control Center. The hub of the communications system is the Operations Control <br />Center (OCC), System controllers will be responsible for all facets of the system and shall be <br />able to communicate with passengers at the ftation through the public address system, speak with <br />train operators using the radio system, speak by telephone or radio with maintenance staff <br />throughout the system, interface with the power and signal system through the data system, and <br />view certain areas through the CCTV system. The CONSULTANT will coordinate the needs of <br />all the communication subsystems with the designer team regarding the CMF layout, and <br />equipment space allocations. <br /> <br />Fiber Optic Line. It is anticipated the OCC will be tied into the system through a single-mode <br />fiber optic backbone cable nmning the entire length of the system with cable breakouts at e<\cp <br />station's communications building, separately located traction power substations, and all other <br />locations needing a direct voice, data, or video connection with the OCC. The CONSULTANT <br />will specify a backbone set of conduits mnning the length of the system with capacity greater <br />than that required for The CenterLine's fiber optic cable needs, This greater capacity is for the <br />pulling of future cables, <br /> <br />Public Address System. This system will have both loudspeakers and variable message signs and <br />allow system controllers at the OCC or at the station itself to notify patrons system wide, at a <br />prescribed set of stations, or at individual stations of system delays, emergencies, etc., while <br />conforming to ADA requirements. The pANMS system will be located near the ticket vending <br />machines, the principal platform waiting area, in elevators and near escalators (if present) , <br /> <br />GPS-based Train Location System, This system will conform with the existing GPS-based <br />passenger communication system used on The AUTHORITY's bus fleet. Each light rail cab car <br />will have a unit capable of receiving GPS signals and converting them to a geographic location, <br />The unit will automatically send this location to a central computer over the train's datil radio <br />system, The central computer will compare the trains location with its schedule, determine its <br />arrival time at the next several stations, and then send the appropriate message automatically <br />through the fiber optic system to the station. This is done continually for each revenue train. <br /> <br />Radio System, The radio system will be the primary means of communicating throughout the <br />system, As noted in the Rail Systems Specifications Report of the Conceptual Engineering <br />phase, it is expected that the radio system will be a tnmked radio system or an equivalent <br />technology possibly leased from an existing system, The CONSULTANT will evaluate <br />alternative approaches including a "build-your-own" system, leasing time or frequencies from a <br />private owner, and leasing time or frequencies from a governmental agency, Once an optimal <br />approach is identified and approved, the CONSULTANT will complete the specification of all <br />radio equipment to the 30% design level including the detailed listing of all components. <br /> <br />Telephone System. The CONSULTANT will coordinate with The AUTHORITY's Information <br />System's group on types of phones used in The CenterLine Project: local phone lines, <br /> <br />45 <br /> <br />CD ,"1 <br /> <br />