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<br />HUD-62lJ98
<br />19-69)
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<br />and making various tests concerning the property necessary to carry out the
<br />Agreement. Af'ter the conveyance of the Property by the Agency t.o the
<br />Redeveloper, the Redeveloper shall permit the representat.ives of the Agency,
<br />t.he City, and the United States of America access to the Propert.y at. all
<br />reasonable times which any of them deems necessary for the purposes of the
<br />Agreement, the Cooperetion Agreement, or the Contract. for Loan and Capital
<br />Grant, including, but not lL~ited to, inspection of all work being performed
<br />in connection with the construction of the Improvements. No compensation
<br />shall be payable nor shall any charge be lQ8de in c.ny form by any party for
<br />the access provided for in this Section.
<br />
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<br />.~. .' . ",
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<br />SEC. 301. Plans for Construction of Improvements. Plans and
<br />specifications with respect to the redevelopment of the Property and the
<br />construction of improvements thereon shall be in conformity wi t.h the Urban
<br />Reneval Plan, the Agreement, and all applicable State and local laws and
<br />regulations. As praaptly as possible after the date of the Agreement, and,
<br />in any event, no later than the time specified therefor in Parll6I'aph (a),
<br />Section 5 of Part I hereof, the Redeveloper shall submit to the Asency, for
<br />approval by the Agency, plans, drawings, specifications, and related
<br />documents, and the proposed construction schedule (which plans, drawings,
<br />specifications, related documents, and progress schedule, t.ogether with any
<br />and all changes therein that may thereafter be made and submit.ted to the
<br />Agency as herein provided, are, except as otherwise clearly indicated by the
<br />context, hereinafter collectively called "Construction Plans") with respect
<br />to the improvements to be constructed by the Redeveloper on the Property, in
<br />sufficient completeness and detail to show that such improvements and
<br />construction thereof will be in accordance with the provisions of the Urban
<br />Renewal Plan and the Agreement. The Agency shall, if the Construction Plans
<br />originally submitted conform to the provisions of' the Urban Reneval Plan and
<br />the Agreeme~t, approve in writing such Construction Plans and no further
<br />filing by the Redeveloper or approval by the Agency thereof shall be required
<br />except with respect to any I118terial change. Such Construct'ion Plans shall,
<br />in any event, be deemed approved unless rejection thereof in writing by the
<br />Agency, in whole or in part, setting forth in detail the reasons therefor,
<br />shall be made within thirty (30) d~s after the date of their receipt by the
<br />Agency. If the Agency so rejects the Construction Plans in whole or in part
<br />as not being in conformity with the Urban Renewal Plan or the Agreement, the
<br />Redeveloper shall submit new or corrected Construction Plans which are in
<br />conformity with the Urban Renewal Plan and the Agreement, within the time
<br />specified therefor in P~regraph (b), Section 5 of Part I hereof, after
<br />YTittc!l not1rl~,:"t"~,~;,,1. 't. -:.~:' :\:~l:""~-Y'~lop'::r of tl::1~ r~j'~t:t1.on. T~'e rro"!1R1o,...~ ()f
<br />this Section relating to approval, rejection, and resubmiosion of corrected
<br />'COnstructionPllllis hereinabovl! provided with, respect t.o the original ",
<br />CO:16tructicn Pl::ns 0',;",11 CC:ltiouc to apply until th? Construct.1cn Ple,ns h~,ve
<br />been approved by the Agency: Provided, That in any event the Redeveloper
<br />sh~l 6ubmit Construction Plans vhich nre in conformity with the requirements
<br />of the Urb~ Rcneval Plan and the Asreement, as determined by the Agency, no
<br />later than the time specified therefor in Parqrll.ph (c), Section 5 of Pti.X't I
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