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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />,,-:' .' <br /> <br />HUD.6209R <br />(?-69) <br /> <br />hereof. All vork with respect to the improvements to be constructed or <br />provided by the Redeveloper on the Property shall be in conformity with the <br />Construction Plans as approved by the Agency, The term "Improvements", as <br />used in this Agreement, shall be deemed to have reference to the improvement:; <br />an provided ond specified in the Construction Plans as so approved. <br /> <br />SEe. 302. Chanl!:es in Construction Plans. If the Redeveloper desires t" <br />make any chBllge in the Construction Plans after their approval by the Ageney, <br />the Redeveloper shall submit the proposed change to the Abency for its <br />approval. If the Construction Plans, as modified by the proposed change, <br />conform to the requirements of Section 301 hereof with respect to such <br />previously approved Construction Plans, the Agency shall approve the proposed <br />chan8e and notify the Redeveloper in writing of its approval. Such change iI. <br />the Construction Plans shall, in any event, be deemed approved by the Aaency <br />unless rejection thereof, in Whole or in part, by written notice thereof by <br />the Agency to the Redeveloper, setting forth in detail the reasons therefor, <br />shall be made within the period specified therefor 1n paragraph (d), Section <br />5 of Part I hereof. <br /> <br />SIC. 303. . Evidence of uit Ca 1tal and Mort "fI:e Financing. As <br />pl'CIIIptly aa possible aHer approval by t e ency ot the Construction <br />Plana, and, in any event, no later than the t1me specified therefor in <br />Parasraph (e), Section 5 of Part I hereof, the Redeveloper shall submit <br />to tbe Asency evidence satisfactory to the Asency that the Redeveloper <br />haa the equity capital and commitments for mortg~ financing necessary <br />for the construction of the Improvements. <br /> <br />8!X:. 3oJ.. Approvals of Construction Plans and Evidence 'of Financing <br />As Conditions Precedent to Conveyance. Tbe submission of Construction <br />Plans Clld their by the Agency as provided in Section 301 hereof, <br />lAd the submittion of evidence of equity capital and commitments for <br />mertsai' fiD&Dcing aa provided in Section 303 hereOf, are conditions <br />precedent to the obligation,of the Asency to convey the Property to the <br />Redeveloper. <br /> <br />SEe'. 305. COlllm3ncement and COIlIJlletion of Construction of <br />Improvem~ntt. Tbe Redeveloper agrees for itself, its successors and <br />assigns, end every successor in interest to the Property, or any part <br />thereof, and the Deed shall contain covenants on the part of the <br />Redeveloper for itself and such successors and assigns, that the <br />Redeveloper, and such tuccessort and assigns, shall promptly begin and <br />dili&~ntly prosecute to completion the redevelopment of the Property <br />thrOU(3h the construction of the Improvements thereon, and that such <br />construction shall in any event be begun within the period specified in <br />Section 4 of Part I hereof nnd be completed within the period specified <br />in such ~ctlon 4. It iPJ Int"!l""oj "'....d prr"'"e"O' o.:t~ the l''''",d cbr.ll eo <br />expl'~1I51y pl"ovide, tb3t SUCD aareements end co~nW1ta shsll be covenants <br />. ,ruDIling with the 1&Dcl Ul4tbat they thall, in any event, aDd without <br />, ..... '!'f'(l:"l'd to t'!!chntc!\l cl""~~1'ir.Mion or cl"~1.1"nt'.Uon, l".",~l or othennse, <br />and except only ea otherWise specifically provided in the Agreement <br />itself, be, to the fullest extent permitted by lP..'/ end equity, binding for <br />the benefit of the community and the Agency and enforceable by the Agency <br />against the Redeveloper and its successors and aosigns to or of the <br />Property or any p~rt thereof or any intereet therein. <br /> <br />,'., .,. <br /> <br />'~f ,; <br /> <br />- 5 - <br />