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CITY OF SANA ANA <br />Community Development Block Grant <br />Scope of Work <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br />I. Total number of clients anticipated to be served during 12-month contract <br />period= 1,900 PERSONS <br />II. Number of unduplicated Santa Ana residents to be served with grant funds during the 12- <br />month contract period = 120 PERSONS <br />III. Indicate below one City performance outcome that the sub -recipient will be tracking with a <br />check mark in the appropriate box. <br />HOMELESS NEEDS <br />103 <br />Activity/Program <br />Outcome Tracking <br />Goal <br />Homelessness <br />Track assisted individuals who retained <br />50% of assisted individuals and <br />Prevention <br />their housing or utilities for at least 6 <br />households will retain their housing or <br />months after assistance was provided. <br />utilities for at least 6 months after <br />assistance is provided. <br />Emergency Shelter <br />Track individuals who received support <br />50% of individuals/households that are <br />services that were linked to one or more <br />provided with emergency shelter will <br />additional support service and/or <br />transition to interim housing (i.e., <br />appropriate housing. <br />transitional housing). <br />Transitional Housing <br />Track homeless individuals who <br />5% of homeless individuals participating <br />participated in transitional housing <br />in transitional housing program will be <br />program that were placed in permanent <br />placed in permanent housing. <br />housing. <br />Supportive Services <br />Track individuals who received support <br />50% of individuals/families receiving <br />services that were linked to one or more <br />support services will be linked to one or <br />additional support service and/or <br />more additional support service and/or <br />appropriate housing. <br />appropriate housing. <br />IV. Description of Work - in space below, describe the program to be funded during the 12- <br />month contract period including, services to be provided, program goals, client <br />characteristics, & how grant funds will be utilized. <br />Women Helping Women upholds a mission to provide professional business apparel, image <br />consulting and employment search support to aid low-income women in attaining and sustaining <br />employment. The core competency of the WHWprogram is the Professional Apparel Center <br />where clients are provided with an extensive wardrobe selection that allows them to choose <br />work -appropriate clothing so they can dress suitably for job interviews and employment as they <br />seek to enter or re-enter the workforce. Clothing selection assistance is offered on a one-to-one <br />basis so that each woman can experience individual focus during her appointment time. This <br />assistance is provided in both English and Spanish. The most significant feature of our program <br />is that all services are provided free of charge to our clients and to the non -profits that refer them. <br />A second component of the program is the Business Learning Center, an on -site computer lab <br />offering basic computer and internet training, job skill development, resume building, job search <br />and job placement services. <br />There are approximately 35,000 homeless families in Orange County, the many of who are <br />single mothers with children. A majority of the homeless are working, but are not able to <br />generate sufficient income to meet the high cost of living. Our goal is to help these women <br />Ex. A <br />