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— Woik Plan 2 -66 <br />included Although identified as a separate task, structural improvements will depend to a large <br />extent on decisions made regarding mechanical and electrical improvements; there will have to <br />be significant interaction among the engineers working on the various improvements and City <br />engineering, operations, and maintenance personnel. Three four -hour working meetings are <br />anticipated with the participation of City and consultant personnel; one such meeting will be <br />charged to each of the structural, mechanical, and electrical improvements tasks. The meetings <br />will be expected to yield altematives (preferable two, no more than three) for each instance of <br />structure or equipment repair /replacement. The consulting team will evaluate these alternatives <br />in terms of effectiveness, reliability, useful life, and cost. <br />4.3 Mechanical Improvements: Mechanical improvements will include five new booster pumps <br />and electric motors, two of them with variable frequency drives. Mechanical components other <br />than the pumps and drivers that could require repair /replacement include shutoff, check, and <br />control valves, suction and discharge piping, and surge protection.. Alternatives will be identified <br />during the working meetings to be held with City engineering, operations, and maintenance <br />personnel. The consulting team will evaluate these alternatives in terms of effectiveness, <br />reliability, useful life, and cost. <br />4.4 ElectricallControls Improvements: Rapid technological advances in circuitry, controls, <br />alarms, and instrumentation make it practically mandatory that the whole electricaUcontrol <br />system at the pump station be upgraded. Our electrical engineers will discuss with City <br />representatives the options available and reach a consensus on parameters to be monitored, data <br />to be transmitted to a remote control station, and wiring to be prepared for the connection to a <br />SCADA system. <br />9 Electrical and Instrumentation Design Requirements: We will develop the electrical <br />design basis for the project and review with the City in design progress meetings. Design <br />requirements to be defined include: <br />• Electrical loads for the upgraded facility, <br />• Requirements for indoor and outdoor lighting (fixture types and lighting levels), <br />• Security requirements, <br />• SCADA interface requirements, <br />• Facility grounding requirements, and <br />o Equipment tagging and numbering approach. <br />Utility Interface Coordination. We anticipate discussions with the SCE representatives to <br />coordinate requirements for electrical service. Replacement of existing service <br />transformers is assumed. <br />Electrical space requirements will be defined in preliminary design to facilitate setting the <br />pump station footprint. <br />Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P &IDs). We propose preliminary design to include <br />P &IDs completed to approximately the 60% level to set the foundation for detail design. <br />A preliminary list of electrical and instrumentation specifications will be prepared for <br />preliminary design, and the approach to completing the final specifications will be <br />defined. <br />Company Confidential • Trade Secret and Proprietary Information ofldelca(f & Eddy. Inc. <br />