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<br />DELIVERABLES <br />AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS, INC. <br />"FIVE CITIES" HYDROGEN FUELING STATIONS <br /> <br />In addition to the deliverables set forth in the above-referenced statement of work, <br />CONTRACTOR shall supply the following reports to the AQMD under this Contract. Each <br />submitted report shall be stapled, not bound, printed in black ink, double-sided type, on an 8-1/2 <br />by 11 inch page, and shall include camera-ready originals. <br /> <br />1. CONTRACTOR shall update the SCAQMD program officer by voice or e-mail <br />whenever significant achievements or problems occur. <br /> <br />2. Three stapled copies of a draft final report for review, comment, and approval shall be <br />submitted no later than 12 months after commissioning. CONTRACTOR shall submit <br />two copies of the draft final report to AQMD's Project Manager and one copy to <br />AQMD's Contract Administrator-Technology Advancement. This document shall be <br />considered in the public domain, in conformance with the California Public Records Act <br />(Go\(ernment Code Section 6250 et seq.). AQMD shall complete its review of the draft <br />final report within four weeks of its receipt from CONTRACTOR. The draft final report <br />shall include, but not be limited to, the following: <br /> <br />a. Reference to AQMD contract number and title of project. <br />b. Project background and objectives. <br />c. An executive summary up to three pages in length to include a short, definitive <br />statement of the problem/project; objective ofthe project, including emission control <br />objectives or goals and reference to AQMD Rules if applicable; subject of the project <br />including the technology demonstration sites, participants, dates, etc.; conclusions <br />(potential emissions impact, cost implications, and other factors); recommendations <br />(design changes/optimization, other applications ofthe technology, and <br />commercialization paths); and acknowledgment of all project sponsors. <br />d. A detailed description of the scope of work, including the statement of work as an <br />appendix. <br />e. Each task in the statement of work should have its own chapter; finding or results of <br />each task should be discussed in these chapters, and should include the following: 1) <br />discussion of actions completed; 2) discussion of risks and corrective actions; and 3) <br />task performance. <br />f. An analysis of data from testing and measurement of performance, durability, etc., <br />should be included in the main body of the report. The graphical presentation of the <br />data analysis, particularly bar graphs, is recommended. The actual data should be <br />attached as appendices. <br />g. Color photographs in a digital format, such as .ppt, .tif, .jpg on a CD, documenting <br />the entire development and testing, and copies of news releases, media and technical <br />articles on the project. <br />h. Costs - a comparison and discussion of expected versus actual AQMD contract costs, <br />including commercial feasibility ofthe technology. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />! <br />E:\tech_adv\Contracts Fold~r\Infrastructure Contracts\Air Products & Chemicals H2 Stations Five Cities SOW&PS.doc <br />