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<br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT <br />AND STRATEGIC PLANNING SERVICES <br /> <br />Sharon Browning & Associates (SB&A) is pleascd to submit the following proposal to provide <br />organizational development and strategic planning services to the City of Santa Ana's City <br />Attorney's Office (CAO). <br /> <br />Consulting Assignment <br /> <br />The CAO is seeking assistance in developing a three to five-year strategic plan and as a by- <br />product of the planning process to energize staff and reinvigorate its commitment to the tenants <br />of Total Quality Service. Further, it seeks recommendations on how it can significantly foster <br />cooperation, effective communication, a sense of team and creativity among statT. <br /> <br />Scope of Work <br /> <br />SB&A proposes a phased approach to achieving the CAO's planning and organizational <br />development objectives. In Phase I, SB&A will conduct an ascertainment study based upon 12 <br />one-on-one confidential interviews with the Department's attorneys and its head of <br />administration. The purpose of the ascertainment study will be to: 1) solicit input upon which an <br />effective, outcome driven process for strategic planning will be based and 2) identify and <br />thoroughly assess attitudes, issues, incentives. disincentives, communication patterns and other <br />elements of the work environment that currently impact or have the potential to positively or <br />negatively impact the CAO's mission and service objectives. <br /> <br />Subsequent to completing the Phase I ascertainment study, SB&A will prepare a brief <br />memorandum that summarizes its findings, conelusions and recommendations for: <br />. Achieving an optimal strategic planning process and outcome driven plan <br />. Fostering enthusiasm, commitment to quality service and creativity among staff <br />· Addressing issues (inter-departmental and external) that may be negatively impacting the <br />CAO's mission and business plan <br /> <br />The ascertainment study is a crucial first step in accurately identifying and understanding what <br />organizational development interventions and techniques will be most productive. The study aids <br />m: <br />I. Gaining an accurate and unbiased understanding of the work environment <br />2. Validating planning assumptions and avoiding the potentially counter productive <br />impacts of acting on unwarranted assumptions <br />3. Provides a "safe and positive" opportunity for key participants to be involved from the <br />beginning in critical thinking and partnering in directing organizational development, <br />the planning process and the future of the organization <br />