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<br />In Phase II, based upon the ascertainment study findings and recommendations, SB&A will work <br />with the CAO to develop and implement a strategic planning process that might consist of a one- <br />day planning retreat followed by a half day follow-up retreat and/or a series of smaller task force <br />meetings. As previously noted, the precise planning process will be determined subsequent to the <br />ascertainment study and recommendations. <br /> <br />As an elective option in Phase II, SB&A will provide Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBIT) <br />testing, interpretation and instruction. This service will be provided by Cindy Henson of the <br />Henson Consulting Group. Ms. Henson is an associate of SB&A's and is licensed to administer <br />the MBIT. Use of the MBIT is helpful in building understanding and a sense of team among staff <br />and in determining the makeup of workgroups. <br /> <br />Professional Fces <br /> <br />In order to complete its proposed scope of work, SB&A expects to devote an estimated 40 hours <br />at its $160/hour billing rate, SB&A's time will be distributed approximately as follows: <br /> <br />TASK <br /> <br />HOURS <br /> <br />Phase I: Ascertainment Study <br />- Review the CAO current strategic plan and Department <br />background materials <br />- Conduct 12 interviews (including preparation of interview <br />questions/format and interview recordation summaries) <br />- Prepare content analysis of interviews <br />- Prepare retreat agenda recommendations <br />- Presentation of summary report and recommendations <br />to the CAO planning team (conference call) <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />4 <br />4 <br />I <br /> <br />Phase II: Strategic Planning Process <br />- Preparation of planning retreat agenda, annotated 4 <br />agenda and meeting support materials (2 meetings) <br />- CAO planning team conference call I <br />- Facilitate planning meeting (s) 15 <br />- (CAO will make facility arrangements and prepare meeting minutes) <br /> <br />Phase II: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (optional) <br />- Preparation and distribution ofMBTI N/A <br />- Planning and facilitation of one half day retreat <br />- MBTl instruments <br /> <br />Phase III: Ongoing counsel and coaching <br />- TBD <br />