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<br />Projected Total Hours <br /> <br />Phase I: <br />Phase II: <br />Phase III: <br /> <br />20 <br />20 <br />TBD <br /> <br />Total Hours: <br /> <br />40 <br /> <br />Total SB&A Project Fee: 40 hours @ $160/hour: <br />Total Henson Consulting Group Project Fee: <br /> <br />$6,400 <br />$1,642.50 <br /> <br />Total Project Fee: <br /> <br />$8,042.50 <br /> <br />SB&A will bill against the total project fee on an hourly basis not to exceed the projected fee <br />without prior authorization. The Phase I fee is due upon completion and presentation of the <br />summary memorandum of ascertainment findings and recommendations. As is SB&A's practice, <br />every etTort will be made to complete work in as few hours as are required to do reliable, quality <br />work. SB&A's hourly rate includes expenses related to travel, meeting facilitation supplies and <br />administrative overhead. <br /> <br />Changes in SB&A's estimated professional fee arising from subsequent changes in the project, <br />scope of work or completion time line will be mutually agreed upon by the CAO and SB&A. <br />Services provided by SB&A that exceed the original scope of work and total fee contract amount <br />will continue to be provided at the fee scale of $160 per hour. <br /> <br />Completion Schedule <br /> <br />SB&A requires approximately 30 days from the date of authorization to proceed to complete the <br />proposed Phase I scope of work and 30 days to complete Phase II. In the event that delays occur <br />that are beyond SB&A's control, the CAO will be immediately informed. <br /> <br />Staffing and Project Coordination <br /> <br />The CAO ascertainment study and strategic planning project will be implemented and managed <br />by Sharon Browning, Principal. Throughout the project, Sharon Browning will, as requested, <br />provide the CAO with progress reports as requested and necessary. <br /> <br />Confidentiality <br /> <br />SB&A will maintain all sensitive information provided by the CAO in the strictest confidence. <br />Further, any information gathered from sources during the course of this consulting assignment <br />is the exclusive property of the CAO. While information provided SB&A on a confidential basis <br />by interviewees will be maintained by SB&A as confidential, the essence of the information will <br />be summarized for the CAO without attribution. <br />