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PI GID SG (02109 <br />(1) 'Bodily injuy a"p[opedy damage'resu9ing from the use of physical fo[ce to protect <br />persons or p[operty; or <br />(2) Allegations of vcarious liabllityon the pal of a Named Insured arising solelyfmm the <br />acts of your "¢mployees." However, ads of your "employees" shall not include that. <br />N. Errors and Omissions Coverage <br />1. SECTIONI-COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE <br />LIABILITY Is amended by adding thefollowdng: <br />ERRORS AND OMISSIONS <br />This insurance applies to negligenl ads, errors or omissions committed by you relating to your <br />services described in the Decorations. <br />2. SECTION I -COVERAGES, COVERAGE B PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY <br />LIABILITY Is amended by adding the following: <br />ERRORS AND OMISSIONS <br />The insurance that applies to "personal'mjury" Includes negligent ads, errors or omissions <br />oommnled by you relating to your services described in the Declorrators, <br />J. SECTIONI-COVERAGES is amended by adding the following <br />COVERAGE D - ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LIABILITY <br />a. Insuring Agreement <br />(1) We will pay those sums that the insured becomes lega9y obligated to pay as damages <br />because of errors or omissions committed by you relating to your services described in <br />the Declardlons. However, we w1l have no duly to defend the insured against any°suiY <br />seal damages tot ¢mors or omissions commit ed by the insured to which the <br />insurance does not apply. We will have the tight and duly to defend any "sur seeping <br />those damages. We may, d our disc[edon, Investigate any claim or"suiP'tl at may <br />result. But: <br />(a) Theamounl we will payfor damages is limited as desc bed in SECTION III-UMITS <br />OF INSURANCE; and <br />(6) Our dghtand dutyto defend ends when we have used up the applicable limb of <br />nsutance in the payment of judgmecs of sahlements undo[ Coverages A, B, or D, <br />of medical expenses under Coverage C, <br />No other obligation or liabiliryto pay sums or perlorm acts or services is coveted unless <br />eaplidlly prodded tot under SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A, B, <br />AND D. <br />(2) This insurance applies only it the error or omission occurs during the policy periad <br />b. Exclusions <br />This Insurance does not apply to: <br />Page 7 of 9 <br />® 2009 Philadelphia Indem ly Insurance Company <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services OMce, Inc, wig Its permission. <br />