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Pli SG (OE109) <br />(1) "Bodily Injury' or 'property damage"; <br />(2) "Personal and adveNsinginjury'" <br />(3) Intentionalinjury,norinjuryarisingoutofwilNulvolationIapenalsistuteorordinance, <br />committed by orwclh the knowledge or consent of the'msured, <br />(4) Any claim seeking relief or redress in any form other than monetary damages; <br />(0 Any claim arising out of any insured's adrvilias, or as a9duciary, under the Employment <br />Raimmaot Income Security Ad of 1974, any amendmants or any regula ton or older <br />issued thereto, <br />(6) Any claim arising from warranties or guarantees made by any insured, <br />M Lability assumed byte insured under any cennsurt oragreemant This exclusion does <br />not app ly to iabillty for damages: <br />(a) That the insured would have in the absence of the corbact or agreemeof or <br />@) Assumed in aoantract or agreemenithat is an insured contmd; <br />(6) Liabilityarisingfmmanyfraudul¢nt,dishonest,orchminalactofanyinsured,and <br />(9) Labilty arising from a dam made by a parent or subsidiary organization of the insured or <br />another subsidiary organization of such parent or other subsidiary, nor any officer, <br />director cr °employee of any of the above, <br />c, SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS- COVERAGES A AND B is amended to read <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS -COVERAGES q B, AND D <br />d. SECTIONIII-LIMITSOFINSURANCEisamendedasfollows: <br />(1) Item 2. is replaced by the following: <br />2, The GeneralAggregate.1isthe most wewllpay forthesum of. <br />a. Medical expenses under CovemgeC, <br />b. Damages under Coverage A, except damages because of"hodilyinjury'or <br />"property damage" Included in the "produds-cempleted operations hazard', <br />c. Damages under Coverage B; and <br />d, Damages under Coverage 0, <br />(2) Item S. is replaced by the following: <br />S, Subject to t,or3,above, whichever applies, the Each Occurrence Limit isthe most <br />we will payforthesum of <br />a. Damages under Coverage A, and <br />Page B of 9 <br />® 2009 Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Semces OTce, Inc, it its permission, <br />