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PI G D -SG (W) <br />b. Medical expenses under Coverage C, <br />because of all "bodily iojurr and "pmpehy damage" arising out of any one <br />11 oceunence'', and <br />c. Damages under Coverage D. <br />e. SEC1IONIV-COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Paragraph 4. <br />Other Insurance is amended as follows, <br />(1) the first paragraph is replaced by the following <br />If other veld and collectible insurance is salable to the insured for a loss we cover <br />under Coverages A, B, or D of this Coverage Pad, our obligations are limited as follows <br />(2) Paragraph b, Excess Insurance, 111(2)isreplaced bythefollowng; <br />When Iris Insurance Is excess, wewll have no duty under Coverages A, B, or D to <br />defend the insured against any claim or "sur if any other insurer has a duty to defend de <br />insured againstthatclam or"suit" If no other insurer defends, we will undertake to do <br />so, but we will be entiVed to the insured's rights against all drose other insurers. <br />0, Incidental Medical Malpractice <br />We will pay for injury arising out of the rendering of or failure to render Ihefollovdng Ines mens or <br />services by an 11 ell for an accident occurring during the policy period, <br />1. First aid heatmeniincluding cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPPj,and <br />2, Medical, surgical, cents, xray, or nursing service ofheatioem,orthefurnishing dloodof <br />beverages In oannectlon therewith; and the fumishing or dispensing of drugs, or medic dental, <br />or surgical supplies or appliances. <br />However, this coverage does not apply to any insured orto any entity engaged in the business or <br />occupation of providing the services oftretnenis described in 1. and 2. above, <br />Page 9 of 9 <br />® 2009 Philadelphia IrAemniry Insurance Company <br />ncludes copyrighted materie of Insurance Smces Office, Inc., with Its permission <br />