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<br />85118/?" 12: 22 <br />""7 - ,= <br />~URtkiO 5 ~~ <br /> <br />---.! <br /> <br />949ID1911 <br /> <br />'UTTON I N5L1RANCE <br /> <br />PAGE 01 <br /> <br />1;),Hlll :TB <br /> <br />ADDrrIONAL lt~:r~ .1;' ENDORSEMENT <br />FOR COMMERCIAL,Q :m;, .!~, LIABlLITY POLICY <br /> <br />In C. Gol den .agle Insurance Corp. <br />!I\lfance ompany ____, , <br /> <br />Th s endorsement modifies such insurance IS 5 af ,.'lIed by the provisions of Policy <br />/I ~ ~~P5' 6302-03 relating 10 the folio nn!: <br /> <br />1 The Cily of Santa Ana, 20 C i v :. Cc: t or Plaza, Sal1la Ana, California 92; J1; its <br />off Cl:r&, employees, agents, volunteen and .'e. 'l'e5I' ,Iatives are named as additional insu 'eds <br />("a blitional insureds") with regard to liabill t}l md ! :rense of suits arising from the opu dions <br />81U !ISCS perfonned by or on behalf of !be Dlr 00 il IJred. <br /> <br />2, With rospect to claims irisIn I: ' lit 0 '1:.1C operatiotli and uses performed by Of on <br />bel alf of the named insured, such insurance a is a, 'i'rdc:d by Ihis policy is primary all': S not <br />ade ~jonalto or contributing with any other in ;U3I: ,( canied by or for the benefit orth, <br />ad( it ional illllU1'eds. <br /> <br />3. Tbis insurance applies separa~e'" to : 1cll insured against woom claim i. . lade or <br />sui' it brougbt except with respect to the COIIII' Iny': Lmits ofliability. The inclusion 01 any <br />per (1a or orgauization as an inSllTCd sI1B1l nut, Ife<' a~y right which such person or orgllization <br />wo' ,\:l have as a claimant if nC11 60 included. <br /> <br />4. With respect to 1he additiona, i. ;.UIt' "';. tms inSUl'8Ill:e shall not be cancel I ld, or <br />mat . ially reduced in coverage or limits exc :p1flc: t!lirty (30) days wrium notice has ):en <br />giv. n to the City ofSanl8 Ana, 20 Civic Ceme Pia, ., Sanla Ana, California 92701, <br /> <br />(Co npletion of the following, ineluding cou~1t 'sig! "'ure. is required 10 make this endo'1 emen! <br />elfe :Iive.) <br /> <br />Effe :Il ve <br />Poli ')'# CCPS18302-03 <br />ISBu,', to Starlight Education, <br /> <br />11/01/00 <br /> <br />this endorscmeDl fonn as a part of <br /> <br />Inc. <br /> <br />--.'-. .. <br />1\ UII :ld :: I!: lIed <br /> <br />Countersignedb)_, ~ ~ <br />,i'It1~ ~rlen~ve - <br /> <br />*A 10 d, ':1' notice will be Bent fa. nonpayment of premium. <br /> <br />a'd <br /> <br />E1SQ-SOQ-StoS <br /> <br />..ID'~'! anp3 ~~2l1...l.~S <br /> <br />e61'I1 \0 SO ~" <br />