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<br />Licensee for use only under the terms of this agreement. Licensee agrees not to remove, alter, obscure <br />or render in any manner unreadable all of Licensor's trademarks, trade names, logos, copyright <br />designations, serial numbers, or other appropriate designations, which may appear on any SIGMA <br />programs or other SIGMA material. Any tangible media upon which SIGMA programs or other SIGMA <br />materials are delivered to Licensee are loaned to Licensee and shall remain the property of the Licensor. <br />Licensee warrants that neither it nor any of Licensee's employees or agents, who will have direct or <br />indirect access to any of the SIGMA software or related documentation develop, sell, or represent <br />competitive software systems or otherwise have a conflict of interest with Licensor; Licensee agrees to <br />take all necessary actions to prohibit future access to any part of the SIGMA system to such persons. <br />Licensee agrees not to allow any of its employees who may have any conflict of interest with Licensor, or <br />have a financial interest in any competitor of Licensor, or are in any way involved In any competing <br />software development activities, to use or see the SIGMA programs and manuals except the Test <br />Administration Program, without the express written approval of Licensor. Licensee agrees not to allow <br />any person who is not an employee of Licensee to view, or have access to, any SIGMA software or <br />documentation except the Test Administration Program, without the express written permission of <br />Licensor. Licensor shall have the right to withhold this permission and/or to make it contingent upon the <br />signing of a CONFIDENTIAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT. Licensee agrees to inform anyone <br />whom it allows to have access to SIGMA programs or documentation of these provisions. <br /> <br />G. COPIES. Licensee agrees not to attempt to list, disassemble, "reverse compile", or in any other way <br />attempt to recover or decipher the SIGMA system program source code or to allow any other party to do <br />so. Licensee agrees not to make any copies of any portion of SIGMA, except to make backup copies of <br />the SIGMA software for internal archival purposes to be used in case of damage to the original. Licensee <br />agrees to keep such copies locked in a secure place. Licensee agrees to affix the following notice to all <br />copies Licensee makes: "Copyright 1999-2006 CPS HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES, SIGMA DATA <br />SYSTEMS DIVISION". Licensee may make photocopies of the SIGMA user's manuals only for its internal <br />use by its own employees who are SIGMA users or SIGMA administrators. Upon creation, such <br />photocopies shall become the property of Licensor, and shall immediately become part of the licensed <br />materials. Licensee agrees that it will take all reasonable steps to prohibit and prevent its employees and <br />others from making unauthorized copies of the SIGMA software and documentation. Licensee agrees to <br />inform all persons having access to SIGMA that it is a violation of federal copyright and other laws and of <br />this agreement to make unauthorized copies of SIGMA software and documentation in any form. <br /> <br />H. MODIFICATIONS. Licensee agrees that neither it nor any of its employees, agents or representatives <br />will modify or attempt to modify the SIGMA programs or manuals or data files' structures, without the <br />express written consent of Licensor. <br /> <br />I. INSTALLATION, TRAINING AND SUPPORT. Licensor agrees to deliver SIGMA within ninety (90) <br />days of the date of this agreement, and to provide implementation and data conversion services covered <br />herein within one-hundred eighty (180) days of this agreement. The actual date of training shall be <br />decided by mutual consent of the parties. If Licensee cancels or requests rescheduling of the training less <br />than thirty (30) days prior to a mutually agreed upon schedule, Licensee agrees to pay Licensor the total <br />amount specified for training in section 4D below as though the services had been actually performed, <br />plus pay for any actual expenses incurred by Licensor due to the cancellation, change, or reissue of plane <br />tickets and other travel reservations. Licensor shall provide technical assistance for system installation <br />and SIGMA training for up to fifteen (15) trainees per training session. The amount of time spent on site <br />for installation and training, if any, shall be as specified in Section 4D below. Licensee agrees to provide <br />the on-site training facilities and necessary computer equipment, including at least one computer for every <br />two trainees. If the installation is delayed due to defects in, or non-availability of, Licensee's hardware, <br />operating system software, or other reasons beyond the control of Licensor, then Licensee shall pay any <br />actual living and travel costs associated with the delay plus $1,000.00 per day for each day or part thereof <br />that Licensor's representative is delayed on site while performing the installation and/or training. In <br />addition, Licensor shall provide, at no charge, ongoing support for ninety (90) days following installation to <br />Licensee via telephone or written consultation as requested by Licensee. Licensor agrees to respond to a <br />call for technical support within one business day. If optional Extended Technical Support is included in <br />this agreement, it will commence immediately upon termination of the ninety (90) days of ongoing support. <br /> <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />