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<br />;>H <br /> <br />,. _..,......\~.....',~,.,....... .~...'_:,.~,.~:,,,.:...~.;.~.."',~;"'".;"','..:,....~ <br /> <br />"'" <br /> <br />SAINT JOSI'PH aALJ..ET <br />Preliminary 2002-2003 Budget <br />(Fiscal Year: September l-Aullust 31) <br /> <br />...; <br /> <br /> Saitta Ana Grant Other Budget <br /> RsqueDd Sa4ln:es 2002-2003 <br />REVENUE <br />C1ment Ope.ating <br />Advance Gifts (lanuary-Aug~) $. 50,000 715,000 765,000 <br />Gifts and GIants (September-December) 560,000 560,000 <br />JloOllymouo 2-year gill: 200,000 200,000 <br />Director's Fund 12,000 12,000 <br />BoeIng Transportation Program 8,500 8,500 <br />Callfom fa Arts Council 7,500 7,500 <br />Annual Concert Sales 'l4,OOo 44,000 <br />~ 5,000 5,000 <br />IrrtelCSt ImDme 60,000 00,000 <br />Program Development Fund 95,000 95,000 <br />EIlClOWment Interest 00,000 60,000 <br />TOTAl REVENUE $ 50,000 $ 1,767,000 $ 1,817,000 <br />EXPENSE <br />Program <br />SilIaIieS/BerIeftt!; $ 50,000 $. 502,360 $ 552,360 <br />Basic Program 151,000 151,000 <br />Annual COncert 225,000 225,000 <br />DanceFree Weeks 21,000 21,000 <br />Academic Pro(Irams 15,000 15,000 <br />COllege/Adv Training Scholarships 42,000 ~,ooo <br />Sludent/family Seivb!s 20,300 20,300 <br />prugram Transpwtation 6,000 6,000 <br />Prof_tonal Development 8,500 6,500 <br />Volunb!er/Commlilllty Development 10,000 10,000 <br />Printlng 28,000 28,000 <br />Supplies/Postage 25,900 25,9(10 <br />Contingency 3,000 3,000 <br />Total Progmm $ 50,000 $ l,llSB,060 $ 1,108,060 <br />ManagemMtfOpenrtiom; <br />Salaries/Benefits $ $ 442,2'lO $ 'l42,24O <br />Workeis' Compensation 16,000 16,000 <br />Insurance 18,000 18,000 <br />Ubli~es/Comm~nicilllons 51,000 51,000 <br />Facility Malnten~nCl! 45,100 '\5,100 <br />Equipment Maintenance 25,000 25,000 <br />Accounting 5eN\ces 7,000 7,000 <br />S!lpples/Poslilge 11,100 11,100 <br />TransportatloO/Gas/lwto 4,200 4,200 <br />SecUJity 2,300 2,300 <br />C<tpital Reserve 50,000 50,000 <br />COntlngIMCV 7,000 7,000 <br />TcrI3l Management/Operations $ - $ 678,940 $ 678,940 <br />TOTAL EXPENSE $ SO,GOO $ 1,737,000 $ 1,787,000 <br /> 4% of tDtal budget <br />NOTE: The year-fOund program ~t.1get and t/1e ilIlnuill apera~ng budget ~re one In the same. I>S of November 1, 2001 <br /> EX/17 8/T B <br />