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Attachment A <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />o The training must not supplant existing resources, but rather must build <br />additional capabilities above and beyond those that currently exist. Any <br />additional capabilities pursued through these training opportunities must <br />meet a specific need identified through the homeland security assessment <br />process and must comport with the State or Urban Area Homeland <br />Security Strategy. <br />o States and urban areas shall conduct training in compliance with state and <br />local regulations and policies governing the certification of SWAT <br />personnel. <br />o Trainees shall be sworn officers and shall have completed a Basic SWAT <br />school accredited by the appropriate state -level criminal justice <br />organization. <br />o Training shall be conducted by instructors certified by a state or national <br />level criminal justice organization <br />o The State or Urban Area shall develop and implement a safety plan <br />excluding service ammunition and weapons from the training site and shall <br />not employ live chemical agents (to include OC) or impact weapons during <br />the training <br />o If a foundational SWAT course fully addresses the law enforcement <br />sections included in the ODP Emergency Responder Guidelines and the <br />ODP Homeland Security Guidelines for Prevention and Deterrence, no <br />additional CBRNE-specific training is necessary for eligibility purposes. <br />However, if the foundational SWAT course does not fully address the law <br />enforcement sections included in the ODP Emergency Responder <br />Guidelines and the ODP Homeland Security Guidelines for Prevention and <br />Deterrence, then the student must also complete follow-on CBRNE <br />awareness training within a reasonable timeframe in order for the <br />foundational SWAT course to be considered an allowable use of ODP <br />funds. <br />Eligibility of Medical Trauma Courses: Medical trauma courses—including basic, <br />foundational courses—are eligible for support through ODP funds, provided that <br />the training meets the following requirements: <br />O The training must not supplant existing resources, but rather must build <br />additional capabilities above and beyond those that currently exist. Any <br />additional capabilities pursued through these training opportunities must <br />meet a specific need identified through the homeland security assessment <br />process and must comport with the State or Urban Area Homeland <br />Security Strategy. <br />O States and urban areas shall conduct training in compliance with NFPA <br />473, Standard for Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to <br />Hazardous Materials Incidents. <br />O States and urban areas shall conduct training in compliance with state and <br />local regulations and policies governing the certification of EMS providers. <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />35 <br />