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Att3chnicia9 A <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />o States or urban areas shall coordinate their efforts with the closest MMRS <br />jurisdiction. <br />o Trainees shall have completed a basic Emergency Medical Technician <br />(EMT) certification per the state or local accreditation requirements. This <br />type of training may not be funded with ODP monies. <br />o If a foundational medical trauma course fully addresses the emergency <br />medical services sections included in the ODP Emergency Responder <br />Guidelines and the ODP Homeland Security Guidelines for Prevention and <br />Deterrence, no additional CBRNE-specific training is necessary for <br />eligibility purposes. However, if the foundational medical trauma course <br />does not fully address the emergency medical services sections included <br />in the ODP Emergency Responder Guidelines and the ODP Homeland <br />Security Guidelines for Prevention and Deterrence, then the student must <br />also complete follow-on CBRNE awareness training within a reasonable <br />timeframe in order for the foundational medical trauma course to be <br />considered an allowable use of ODP funds. <br />Evaluation of ODP Training Courses. The goal of evaluating ODP training courses is <br />to determine how much a participant's knowledge, skills, and abilities change after <br />completion of a course relative to knowledge, skills, and abilities prior to the class. ODP <br />utilizes a self-assessment methodology and collects information via a standardized <br />a <br />evaluation form. The form is designed to gather data about the course and participant, <br />e <br />including data such as the participant's professional discipline and years of service. <br />Additionally, the evaluation measures the participant's knowledge relative to a set of <br />standardized learning objectives both before and after taking the course. <br />l7 <br />If a state or local jurisdiction uses ODP funds to provide ODP -approved courses, <br />the state or local jurisdiction must use the standard evaluation form to collect <br />a <br />data about the course and its participants. An ODP -approved course is defined as <br />one developed by the state or local jurisdiction and approved by ODP for delivery. If the <br />state or local jurisdiction receives training through its ODP course allocation, the training <br />partner delivering the course is responsible for data collection and entry. Similarly, if the <br />state or local jurisdiction enters into a direct contract with one of the ODP training <br />partners, training partner is still responsible for the data collection and entry function. <br />However, if the ODP -sponsored course is delivered by a state or local organization, the <br />course provider is responsible for collecting data on the course and its participants. As <br />part of the course approval process, the course developer establishes a set of course <br />objectives directly tied to the course content. The objectives are incorporated into the <br />standardized course evaluation form. Course participants are required to complete all <br />fields and the course instructor is responsible for ensuring that all forms are complete. <br />Course providers are granted access to and enter data into the ODP Secure Portal <br />Costs related to developing and administering the self-assessment and collecting <br />information via a standardized evaluation form is allowable. <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />36 <br />