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Attachment A <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br />Exercise Costs Guidance <br />Exercises conducted with ODP support (grant funds or direct support) must be <br />managed and executed in accordance with the Homeland Security Exercise and <br />Evaluation Program (HSEEP). HSEEP Volumes 1 -III contain guidance and <br />recommendations for designing, developing, conducting, and evaluating exercises. <br />HSEEP Volumes 1 -III can be found at ODP's website at <br />http://www.omp.usdo'.4ov/odp/exercises.htm. Volume IV, which contains sample <br />exercise materials and documents, can be found on ODP's Secure Portal at <br /> or <br />Exercise Planning Workshop. States must conduct an annual Exercise Planning <br />Workshop (EPW) to examine the progress and effectiveness of their current exercise <br />strategy and program. A Multiyear Exercise Plan and schedule must be produced from <br />the EPW and submitted through ODP's Secure Portal Exercise Scheduler located at <br /> Refer to HSEEP Volume III, Chapter 2 for further guidance <br />on EPWs and the Multiyear Exercise Plan and schedule. <br />Exercise Scenarios. The scenarios used in SHSP, UASI, and LETPP-funded <br />exercises must be terrorism -related and based on the state's/urban area's homeland <br />security strategy and plans. Acceptable scenarios for exercises include: chemical, <br />biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive, cyber and agricultural. Grantees that need <br />further clarification on scenarios should consult with their ODP Exercise Manager for <br />assistance and/or approval. Fifteen all -hazards National Planning Scenarios, including <br />twelve terrorism scenarios, have been developed, and will be made available for use in <br />national, federal, state, and local homeland security preparedness activities (See <br />HSPD-8: National Preparedness on page 48). Citizen participation in exercises is <br />encouraged to include back filling non-professional tasks for first responders deployed <br />on exercise, administrative and logistical assistance with exercise implementation, and <br />providing simulated victims, press, and members of the public. Citizen participation in <br />exercises should be coordinated with local Citizen Corps Council(s). <br />Grantees that wish to expend funds on models, simulations, or games (MS&G) must <br />consult with "Review of Models, Simulations, and Games for Domestic Preparedness <br />Training and Exercising, Volume III," which provides an overview and analysis of <br />existing models, simulations and games. This report is available at <br />http://www.oip.usdo'.qov/odp/exercises,htm. <br />Grantees must justify the purchase and use of a given MS&G product/service, by a) <br />documenting the training and/or exercise objective(s), b) documenting how the selected <br />product/service will support those objectives, and c) justification for the chosen product <br />category (potentially referring to Volume III benefits/limitations). The form for this <br />justification can be found at http://www.o'p.usdo'.aov/odp/exercises.htm. <br />If a state or urban area will be hosting an upcoming special event (e.g., Superbowl, G-8 <br />Summit, etc.), or they anticipate that they will apply to be a venue for a future Top <br />Officials (TOPOFF) exercise, they should plan to use SHSP or UASI funding to fund <br />training and exercise activities in preparation for that event. <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />37 <br />